Pretty Shambolic

The conclusion to Louis uncovering Mike's secret was poor. I didn't expect it to be wrapped up in one episode, it just felt lazy, like the writers have no real plan for where Mike's lie is going which is worrying when you consider it's the entire basis for the show.

The overacting in this show has become unbearable, I know Scandal is supposed to be OTT but the first series struck a better balance. Maybe that's because the storylines were a little less soap opera, slightly more network drama?

Yeah, exactly. I was really encouraged by the Washington idea, a post-apocalyptic world doesn't have to be all small towns and rural areas, surely there'd be people who converged on cities for the huge resources there'd be available there?

Martin Scorsese, Mick Jagger and Olivia Wilde. This is already my favourite show.

I guess the real problem is, the last few weeks exposed how little I like the characters and how boring they are when nothing is really happening. When the show has some degree of urgency and direction, it tends to gloss over these fundamental flaws, but when things slow down it becomes tedious because I just don't

That sounds like a sound investment. Sold.

A lot of people seemed to dislike the dieting subplot, but I thought it aimed to poke fun at the ridiculous fad diets people are always on these days, hence the single grape and wafer thin slices.

That's a terrifying thought. How about a mass killing, leaving only Daryl to settle into a new community of more interesting survivors? I think I've saved the show.

You're right. So the question is, do the kind of episodes we've been served these last few weeks address any of that? I don't think they did personally, I care no more or less about those involved than I did at the beginning of the series, the only difference is, at the beginning of the series I cared about the

Yes. They're one of the strongest double acts to emerge from S1 and deserve more screen time together. Let's make Diaz Assistant Captain or something, just as an excuse for them to have more scenes together.

Yes it was. Absolutely no discernible difference in tone and then.. "That's the one"

That guy reminded me of Adam Scott's character in Parks & Rec. He can sell an entire scene with a glancing look of bemusement to the camera, which is pretty much what the cop did here.

I love everything about this show, it's easily the best comedy on TV right now and I'm delighted to see it renewed for a second season despite the borderline ratings.

I suppose, but shouldn't there be an arc to the entire series? It felt liked they'd introduced one when we met the army guy and scientist en route to DC, but then they returned to these tediously slow episodes featuring two characters in some form of conflict with one another wandering aimlessly through the woods.

The baby storyline has been the weakest part of this season for me, I just don't buy any of it. V allowing her mother to sleep with Kev so they could have a child was ridiculous enough to begin with, but the outcome of that was so obvious I don't know how they didn't see it coming?

Yeah, I agree, every episode feels like filler. I thought we'd turned the corner when they found the army guy heading towards Washington and that we'd finally have some direction for the show, but then they added more filler and that storyline has stalled completely. Poor stuff this season.

Ian - there has to be more to the army storyline yet, he signed up too young using his brother's ID and then went AWOL after trying to steal a helicopter - surely he ends up in prison?

I'm English so it's always interesting (for me) to see how Paul Abbott approaches the same characters a second time around. I was a bit disappointed by S1 because it followed the British version almost verbatim, but since then, they've taken it in a whole new direction, one which - almost impossibly - seems more

Absolutely agree. The reviewer seemed to find last week's show as boring as I did, which made the grade given incredibly confusing. At best, last week was a C and this week was a C+.