Dolly Pardon Me

The public labeling someone speaking about abuse and airing family secrets as “exploiting a personal matter” is why so many people stay quiet about abuse, rape and incest. Who wants to open themselves up to criticism and questions about one of the most painful periods of their life, especially when they feel they

Someone below says Mr. Lawyer, Esq. has stage 4 cancer and is expected to shuffle off this mortal coil in a few months. I guess he has no fucks to give but still. Damn. Take it to the grave; that's your job. 

They were married the first time they had sex. I assume the divorce came afterward.

This is the perfect description of my first kiss. And somehow his tongue was like...cold? Uugggggghhhhhh.


Yes, that seems to be my friend’s POV. Which I totally understand - CPD has a very shitty track record and the justice system has no pity for black men. But, sometimes, people are just guilty.

One of my friends is still on the #IBelieveJussie train and it’s driving me up the wall. True, he hasn't been tried or found guilty, but I have a feeling that like OJ and R. Kelly and Chris Brown, Jussie is going to have people that believe he's innocent regardless - no matter how many bonkers details get released for

That Jonas cover is a hot mess. It sounds like he has major allergy congestion and recently drowned a few strong alcoholic drinks, to boot.

Considering this is from the well-known hucksters at The Sun and Dolly is notoriously tight-lipped with statements of her personal beliefs, I have a very hard time believing those are her actual words. She’s never been anything but an ally to the LGBTQ+ community; why would she suddenly give a salty interview wherein

I wear an 11. I feel the loss of Payless keenly.

I'm so sorry but this made me actually choke on my soda due to a surprise-laugh. Oh, jeeze.

Yep, he’ll go on a 10-city tour where he wails about being kept separated from his GRANDCHILD!! How dare they keep the baby away from its grandfather?! What monsters!

(insert eye roll emoji)

I occasionally read the DM’s website, and I learned long ago to never, EVER read the comments. I mean, that’s generally true anywhere, but DM’s section is just really terrible. 

Daddy Markle will never stop. He’s happy trading the possibility of rebuilding a relationship with his daughter for a quick $10K every few weeks. Probably got double that for turning over the letter.

He should be sentenced soon!


The username checks out.

Trying for some of that JoJo Siwa money.

The married and courting Duggarlings have their own spinoff, "Counting On." Of course, the whole family is still on the show and are being compensated accordingly. 🙄

I thought the new character pilot was interesting and had some good potential. Lainey is just...Lainey. She’s not enough to carry a show, even with effectively turning it into an ensemble production by heavily including the other teachers.