Dolly Pardon Me

That’s a common misconception. Microchips are passive identifiers, meaning they have to be scanned to have their information read. They’re not much bigger than a grain of rice and don’t have the parts necessary to broadcast a location. I mean, how big would that have to be in order for a GPS satellite to pick up the

He's a personal favorite of mine, too. 

My dad was apparently volcanically mad that my now-husband didn’t ask his permission for my hand. Which just...bowled me over because my father and I never really had that kind of relationship. I thought (THOUGHT) he respected me as an autonomous person and wasn’t beholden to weirdly archaic things like that, but I

So I was fairly young when this came out (like, 5) and didn’t really catch it until much later. For whatever reason, it always makes me cry...and I hate that it does because I’m not a crier. Maybe because of my own daddy issues, like when I excitedly showed my dad my engagement ring and he said, “Okay. So what does

My dad was a Southern Baptist preacher at the time and had very rigid views on what was, and was not, acceptable for females to do. Later that night, my mom whispered to me that he felt I'd broken the Commandment about respecting my father and mother. Even though my mom was with me when my hair was clipped, it was

The last time I did a very big cut, I went from below shoulder length to a very short pixie. I was was also having it bleached to a darkish blonde. There were two old women there getting perms and were AGHAST! I was so young and my hair was so pretty! What misery, what woe! And they tsk-ed and shook their heads and,

I agree, would've been nice to have some clickables to direct us to the things being talked about. 

What a great read. It’s oddly comforting to know that female hair has always been a fraught and coded issue when it feels like cutting off your locks can be politicized.

Just yesterday, my husband asked, “Whaddaya want from Taco Bell?”

Whether they personally believe it or not, it’s still harmful - they’re churning out counterfeit pablum and smilingly feeding it to the public, who eat it up and ask for seconds.

I had the bad luck of being in a waiting room with FOX News on. Laura Ingram was saying, with a smug smile, how Trump came out ahead because he “always takes the high road” and the corrupt Democrats let their greed and hubris be their downfall.

I read an article once about Trump’s actual speaking style and it suggested that his followers hear what they want and fill in the blanks themselves. That way, he always agrees with them.

At the zoo I used to volunteer at, body disposal kind of depends on the animal and who wants it. A necropsy is performed to confirm cause of death, gather samples and do whatever else they need. After that, if a nearby veterinary school or university wants it, the body was cut into manageable pieces with an electric

We'll just have to turn to fanfiction to satisfy that particular need. 

Oh wow, it's been literal years since I've popped over to GT. Thanks for the reminder!

For some reason, the red fingernails are the creepiest detail. Aaggghhhh

I had a shitty incident with pain medications at CVS, same as others here. It was the same prescription I’d been taking (and filling at that branch) for years through my orthopedist.

Just gals bein' pals.

And I'm sure they're all peddling their in-store credit cards.

This reminds me of a relatively recent Reddit post. A woman’s boyfriend had just gotten a memorial tattoo. It was originally intended to be small, maybe dates or a symbolic object.