
I sometimes feel conflicted when I hear these stories, as both a lawyer and a rape victim myself. The statement he made about the pattern as far as it not being a problem BC it’s not “stranger rapes” is rage inducing and inexcusable.

I think letting people trademark common words is silly. Let people copyright specific logos or designs using the the phrase, but the three words themselves should belong to anybody who wants to use them.

Honestly, a lot of people here can’t grasp the concept that there are places in this country where you can drive 20 minutes without seeing another house, let alone a town. That there are businesses in the Midwest that are floundering because the only entry level labor in the area needs to ride a bus, and the bus only

My partner and I are well-off now, but when I was freelancing and still searching for a permanent position places like Wal-Mart were a godsend. We were living paycheck-to-paycheck and had to make every dollar stretch to its absolute limits.

Your mom

This feels like a mild first draft of “Modest Proposal 2: Electric Boogaloo.”

I used to volunteer along side with Meals on Wheels. (My friend actually worked for them, I would help provide the car when she needed it because hers was more often than not in the shop.) And you are right. It’s not just meals. We used to go into homes to do a check up along with food delivery. Sometimes it was

And, before anyone says “You don’t know how pain feel” - I’ve already seen this once in the thread - I suffer from moderate-to-servere chronic pain, myself. I wake up some days barely being able to bend at the knee (makes getting in and out of car hellish, especially in the icey weather we’re having now where I live).

It also why we have problems going number 2.

While I’m in the minority around here in not being much of an Ava Duvernay fan, one thing that Selma got right was just how much thought was put into actions and how complicated the politics were in the Civil Rights movement behind the scenes. (Ralph Abernathy’s autobiography also nails this, and sadly unintentionally

He first ran his ex down with his car in the parking lot of the local Waffle House, where they had gone to shelter during a tornado. While everyone was crammed into the walk-in fridge for safety, she heard a squeak from a pretty young waitress who was standing next to her husband, and then the sound of a ringing slap.

Excuse you.

Garth Brooks is writing the song as we speak.

If she’s talking about “Sugar Bear”(I died a little typing that name out), then it’s not going to work since he was attracted to morbidly obese women. He was trying to find a woman bigger than Mama June at one point.

White trash goals.

Oh, brand exposure. I think Gigi would still have gotten booked as a nobody, but I don’t think she’d be closing shows or doing Vogue covers like she is now.

Well if it comforts you at all, neither I nor Kendratical implied that rape is in any way related to romance. I think we all agree that it is about opportunism, power, humiliation, and domination.

I’m curious as to what Juan’s Kinja handle is.

Her father is pretty fair, as are many people from the Levant. It gets into weird territory because I’ve straight up had people tell me that Gigi isn’t white even though she is obviously 100% white passing. As someone who also has Palestinian and European heritage and has never once considered myself a POC (and I’m

Jax is actually 52.