
THIS all day! I also like that the episode was a way of “humanizing” people of color in a way that reality TV doesn’t often show. Between LAHH and RHW we often see fighting and caricatures. As a person of color, I’m often shocked in 2017 that some white people (including some of the white men I’ve dated) believe

Not even to say she supported coercion, if not outright forced sterilization (the language she used was softer than what many other used but it still begs the question) so she wasn’t even pro-choice.

I think that a forgotten part of the argument regarding reproductive rights is that it includes the right to have children. California prisons were forcefully and illegally sterilizing women up until 2014 when a ban was put into place. I still see members of the developmentally and intellectually disabled communities

You’re totally right. We’ve had so many appalling examples of institutional and individual racism, sexism and violence in the past month from this administration that I can’t see how such something like this couldn’t have been fake newsed by them had they really wanted him in there.

Counterpoint: trolls thrive on conflict and getting a reaction, and so resorting to violence and/or vandalism as protest is giving him exactly what he wants. The entire scheme is to poke the bear and get people angry enough to provoke physical retaliation, and then say “oh look how violent these ‘tolerant’ leftists

I think a lot of them just think PETA= “I’d rather go naked than wear fur”.

I remember this like it was yesterday and it is, genuinely, the plot line of my biggest recurring nightmare since I was a child.

I remember watching that as a kid and crying my eyes out... that’s was some bleak stuff.

And the thing that kills me is that it widens the gap between media and public when we (and I say this as a member of both) need verifiable, credible news more than ever now.

Speaking as a member of the traditional media/journalism world: we are fucking PISSED.

“Don’t go vilifying Beyoncé or Kendrick or Lorde etc, now!”

I doubt that musicians appearing in 2017 signed a contract in 2001.

OK I can’t speak to her case but I can speculate a little.

How’s that affordable housing and homeless population crisis working out for you guys?

I had a friend whose child was shaken by an impatient babysitter. I went up to the hospital to be with her and ended up arriving when the doctors were doing the last check of taking the baby off the ventilator to see if he would breathe on his own, he hadn’t and they’d come to tell her he was brain dead. The family

The football player’s teammates, for instance, were allowed to speak as character witnesses despite not having been present during the incident

No one should be allowed to make more than 100x more than the poorest person in their country. If they reach the max and wants to accumulate more wealth, they have to make the poorest person a little richer

I’ve been thinking a lot about these issues as of late as well. I went to business school and studied economics. The function of a business is to generate profit for its shareholders. When a company’s employees aren’t is shareholders that basically leaves the lowest level worker screwed over with no say or economic

I can sympathize, but at the end of the day it’s a job like any other. If we got a contract from Donald Trump at my job, and I refused to work on the account, I’d be fired. Sometimes standing up for what you believe in requires sacrifice.

If I refused to work for people I hate, I’d be unemployable.