
Um...I know people who work on capital cases. They travel as work requires (usually the case, which means traveling to the prison or related places). They do not go on vacations or non-essential travel during critical times. You’re fooling yourself if you think so.

Um, a lawyer can almost always get a continuance for good cause. You just, you know, call the clerk and say “I got booted off my flight, I can’t be there.” And they reschedule. Pretty easy. (Oh, and no lawyer working a capital case would go on vacation during a critical phase anyway, because we’re not morons). Think

But most jobs don’t involve actual matters of life and death - medicine does. EMTs by definition are EMERGENCY services - meaning, they don’t know what will happen day to day - serious stuff might happen, might now. So....that example makes no sense. The doctor presumably had patients scheduled and waiting for the

In other news, Morton’s Salt is experiencing massive gains in profitability.

It’s there, you just don’t read it. There is a massive amount of fine print in an airline ticket, and rest assured, it does say that in the event of overbooking, the airline has the right to rescind tickets in order to continue the flight (the article doesn’t speak to what kind of employees were being added - were

This is the crux of the issue. Trademark was created as a way to give protection to entities or individuals who had become so associated with a logo, phrase, image, etc. - that they could essentially lay a claim of ownership to it. It was never intended for just anybody to be able to “grab” what they want and stuff

Well, sure, but it does mean she’s not being cared for properly. Now, I realize it’s a joke argument because - they’re monkeys, they can’t practice first aid or something. But obviously, she wasn’t in a good way when she was found - the article also states she was malnourished, among other things.

OR they were merely attacking the humans because....that’s what they do. The article doesn’t specify, but many of the common monkey species in India can be pretty aggressive towards humans in everyday situations - there are tons of videos and articles about monkey attacks on humans in South Asia. I think people are The OP says she had wounds over her body. It sounds like the monkeys were doing a shitty job!

Who could not foresee that encouraging people to try to eat as fast as humanely possible MIGHT result in this one day? Somewhere, an Oregon-licensed personal injury lawyer is rubbing his/her hands together in anticipation of the payday on this one.

Stop playing into the dichotomy, okay? The second wave did this and it did not help them.

You’re the one coming up on the thread saying rural people should just use thrift stores (because we all have them) or use hand-me-downs (despite those having to come new from somewhere). You might be from a small town, but you ain’t from MY small town. So have a seat.

Lorenzo’s been married so many times, he’s got two wives with the same first name! Wife 4 was Shauna Sand and Wife 5 is Shawna Craig. He doesn’t even have to change the name he says. What a genius he is!

But you DO need some degree of privileges to boycott Wal-Mart.

I am from a small town. I can assure you we did not have a thrift store.

This is the type of thing that actually makes me defend Trump sometimes.

Im not arguing that companies shouldnt strive for inclusion.But what I am arguing is that inclusion should not be used as a dodge or distraction from negative aspects of the company, which is what is happening here.

But I still think you’re not addressing my primary point - whether it should be regarded as progress at all. You say it’s “contributing to progress.” But progress for who? Trans people? Sure, maybe, but my point is that how is that true progress if it comes at the expense or erasure of somebody else? This is cynical

That would be true if I ever said it was to copy Westerners - I didn’t. You’re reading plenty into it that’s not there.

I think the fundamental issue here is that you view this as progresswhereas I do not. Progress to me means advancing in a way that is equitable, fair, and decent - which I dont believe this is. I dont believe progresscan be made on the backs of others. I can believe that trans people deserve representation BUT