
So you are just a racist. But that doesn’t exactly surprise me.

No, ya did, dude. You were arguing about hired landscapers who are clearly on the company payroll, working consistently. Under the table employment is generally per diem, or day to day. Go to any Home Depot around, oh, 8 am in the morning and you’ll see them.

I was not aware you had ICE agents driving up and down your neighborhood.

Buddy, you ever tried that? In the government’s limited defense, do you know how hard that is to do? Most employers who hire undocumented labor do it under the table, so there is no record of their employment. Which - hint - makes them really, really hard to track. If they work above the table with false ID numbers or

I now just shop exclusively at brands that were created for surfers because thats the only way I can find something that will work for me - tops that dont tie on and that will hold in the cleavage, bottoms that wont ride up into my butt, etc. No frills, no strappy stuff, just good solid utilitarian swimwear. The

All this tells me is that none of these designers actually intend for anybody to actually, you know, DO anything at the beach. I am a devoted body surfing enthusiast, and I stay FAR away from “trendy” swimsuits. One strong wave and you won’t have a suit anymore.

But you’re only taking that representation and not the context in which it occurs. Is that singular representation event “okay” even if it comes in the context of promoting a faux-progressive image for a company the routinely engages in the exploitation of colorism and discrimination overseas? To me, heck no - that’s

My best guess is that the lease was probably in the husband’s name and the wife needed to contact the landlord to get the lease switched over to her name, since the RO would have required the husband to vacate the residence. And they probably, like a lot of people, had a month-t0-month lease and the landlord took the

This is exactly as the government wishes it to go - the general environment is becoming far more hostile, and that will incentivize more people to consider returning to the country of origin or just going some place else. Like I’ve said before, the government knows it cannot round up over 10 million people. They are

It is! She actually says that when we bring up anything she allegedly did “wrong” with the kids: formula feeding, stomach sleeping, sleeping in bed with her, eating solids before 6 months, etc. “Did you die????” I love it.

See, that to me makes it sleazy because it feels like a “human shield” thing. Dove is part of a conglomerate that can cast itself as progressive in the States all the while selling skin bleach and skin whiteners in other parts of the world - reinforcing a terrible prejudice that costs women dearly. Putting one trans

Gentle reminder: Dove is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Unilever. Unliever makes and sells products designed for skin whitening in the Asian markets. So they sell “acceptance” in the US and colorism overseas. Just to remind y’all.

When I was pregnant with my first, I asked my mom if she thought she’s done a good job with raising me. And her answer was “Well, you’re alive, right? So I guess so.” “But remember when I almost got carried off by that Rottweiler?” “I got you back, it was fine.”

Oh....she’s one of those racists. One of those ones who ascribes to the Aryan thing. There is no faster way to confirm one is both racist and stupid then bring that up.

1.) Executive order =/= “law.” It’s an order exerting authority over those agencies the President controls. Nothing more, nothing less.

Like the idea, but the execution sounds lousy. It raises a lot of questions, like:

I agree - I saw it (husband’s idea!) and honestly, I did not get the outrage. Matt Damon is NOT the lead in it, and he’s not a white savior - he does very little. Yes, he does bring them the essential weapon, but it’s the Chinese people who figure out it’s usefulness. It also features 1.) a strong woman of color as

Well, let’s break down the issues:

But wouldn’t that be a lousy decision? Everything I’ve ever read about Scottish independence indicates that Scotland really can’t stand as a country on its own. They’d lose the pound as currency but wouldn’t be able to immediately jump to the Euro, so they’d have to essentially create their own, among other issues.

You have to make a distinction between government policy and public treatment. A progressive immigration and refugee policy is created by the government. The social impact of it is done by the public.