
I loved that she was female but her uniform didn’t have that weird little skirt that the pink ranger had. She just had the same uniform as the guys. It was so neat and even as a kid I noticed it.

I disliked making Le Fou gay simply because it was used to explain away his association with a guy who is, really, basically a narcissistic abusive piece of work. Which felt...gross, on some level. In the original, Le Fou was essentially just a simpering sycophant who basically followed Gaston around to bask in the

But I wasn’t arguing that secularism as a tool is privileged - I was saying the VIEW itself is a privileged view - there’s a distinction there.

When has the GOP ever struggled to come up with scapegoats?

You are too optimistic - there are already plans being drafted to greatly expand the mandated use of e-verify across the board - it’s a huge deal to the GOP to get that. E-verify will not stop immigrant employment across the board, but it will marginalize them to an even greater extent - it will basically mean that

Do you really believe that even with increased ICE presence, deportations of over 10 million people is possible? Because if you do, I’ve got a beach in Idaho to sell you. First, do you really believe Congress will fund ICE to the extent they are asking? I presume you know little about “political theatre.” They know

Did you not read what I said? How are you supposed to just “stay low” when it becomes incredibly hard to work AND find housing? Make no mistake, this is about cutting off the lifelines - housing, work, food, etc. The deportations are theatre to placate the masses - the real strikes will come with things like e-verify,

You can look at any election returns for the numbers I cited - they are fairly well-known as this point. I feel like youre backtracking on your initial statements as well - you posited the initial conflict as one between religious ideology vs. secular ideology, but now youre arguing its a white religious ideology

Nobody is saying what this is really about - self-deportations. The government is well aware that it lacks the resources to round up over 10 million people. It simply cannot do it. What it CAN do, however, is create such a climate of fear and distrust that people will begin to voluntarily leave. The next things we see

And remember, it’s made all the more stupid by the fact that they will lose this money over a law that is inherently UNENFORCABLE. Like, there are no cops doing bathroom checks. So trans people are still totally going in the bathrooms. Losing money for an actual point is one thing - losing it for something that makes

Except your theory is predicated upon there being a strong divide between the religious and the secular along political lines. Guess what? The most religious group in the country, in terms of belief, is African Americans - and guess who they voted for in droves? (hint: not the GOP). The most secular group in America

No, that is not what they want. There is already a law in place that restricts photographers from harassing kids at schools or doing dangerous stuff to obtain photos. Shepherd and Bell are on record stating that pics of kids should be banned OVERALL - meaning, even when the child is in public, on a public street, etc.

Sorry to spoil it, but there were paparazzi pictures from the set when they were filming a while back and Lena Dunham was walking around with a very large fake stomach on, so I think it’s safe to say that the plan is for Hannah to have her baby (or it was an elaborate dream/fantasy sequence).

Um...the meta study involving siblings cohorts was linked by others in this thread, if you had bothered to read all the way through. So maybe you should do that before getting your panties in a twist? Just a suggestion? And you seem kind of incredulous about saying “you think it’s the same?” I’m not asserting anything

My mother is Sioux (its my family at issue). To be clear, the tribe did not officially expel her - her family did it before it became widely known. But I have heard of Sioux people in the past getting treated not very well on the rez if the news of their interracial relationship comes out. Some tribes have been very

What you’ve described is a policy called “marry out, get out” (or “marry out, stay out” as well). It is well known within native communities. It is basically the practice of expelling natives who marry outside the tribe/outside the race from reservation housing, benefits, tribal ceremonies, etc.

I know that - I was referring to how Hispanic is classified legally - like within the census. It’s treated as an ethnic identifier.

I’m glad Megan Markle addressed the particular racism that is directed towards mixed people, because I think it often gets hidden - partially because it deals in the uncomfortable subject of racism/prejudice among POC themselves, and that’s something that’s hard to address. I grew up with the idea that I was simply

Well, that’s easy when you realize Hispanic is considered an ethnicity, not a race.

I think it’s multiple things - a lot of lactivists had easy times nursing themselves, so they genuinely don’t understand that for some women, it SUCKS. I’ve known women who’ve have infections, they bleed, their skin cracks, the baby gnaws on them, etc. The ones with colic, gas, acid reflux, everything. The most honest