First, that’s BS - women with IGT, mastectomies, can’t breastfeed because they lack sufficient tissue to do so, so anybody saying that is ill-informed about biology.
First, that’s BS - women with IGT, mastectomies, can’t breastfeed because they lack sufficient tissue to do so, so anybody saying that is ill-informed about biology.
Well, to be fair - the Bible CAN be taught in public schools - there is no law that prevents that. You just have to teach it as a work of literature, history, or in an academic theological study. You can’t PROMOTE it in a public school - let’s be very clear on what the standard actually is.
Jesus, that is medieval. Also, this makes NO sense.
I had so.many arguments over formula feeding. I am technically somebody who is “able” to nurse (physically, I mean). Nothing wrong with the boobs. But I’m a bipolar woman who takes lithium. Lithium is a “black label” drug, meaning it is known to cause birth defects and pass through breastmilk into the baby. I stopped…
I said it would take A moron to not see an issue with importing breastmilk of dubious origins from a country with a healthcare system far below that of the US. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the obvious.
The thing that amazed me was finding out that, in many places, a “lactation consultant” does not have to be a medical professional - it’s a certification and most anybody can get one. Some hospitals only employ nurses as LCs, but with my second kid, the LC they had admitted that her degree was in accounting and this…
I hate the “Natural” thing with a passion. I think I have may told this story here before, but I’ll say it again: When I was pregnant with my first I was unemployed and we lived in a little town in New Jersey and our backyard literally abutted a graveyard - like a colonial one that wasn’t in use anymore. And the town…
“Breastfeeding is better. That is a fact.”
It’s not just a medical breakthrough either! Formula helps a lot of families, well, exist. Most adoptive families formula feed (though I have seen people online talking about “inducing lactation” in adoptive mothers, which is....ugh). My colleague is a gay man who, with his husband, just adopted - guess what? They use…
I notice how your little missive is all about the babies. Seems you don’t give much of a crap about the mothers - but the breastfeeding hysterics generally never do, so it’s nothing surprising.
They’re women who believe so strongly that formula is the DEVIL that even when they cannot BF, they are willing to pay hundreds of dollars to ensure that not a drop of formula will pass their babies’ lips. I always used to gripe about formula being expensive, but this takes the cake and then some.
I doubt it because most parents have a pretty strong preference for how they feed their kids, so very few people would probably accept random assignment. It’s like how we’ll never get a random hospital birth vs. home birth study, because almost no women will be okay with being randomly assigned a birthplace (they did…
I hate to break it to you, but that’s from the chemtrails, not the breastmilk!
I think for preemies part of the appeal is that the milk is very, very high in fat (something formula is not so much), so it helps with things like brain development and stuff like that. Which I can understand. But preemies normally get it through milk banks based in the US where milk can be screened - I don’t think…
I think that’s a pretty rare case, though - the vast majority of babies don’t have such reactions. And for legitimate medical needs, there such absolutely be US-based milk banks with donor milk that has been vetted as coming from appropriate donors. I’m not arguing that donor milk shouldn’t be a thing - but shouldn’t…
How much of a part of this is the insanity of the Breast is Best hysteria? I know there are important documented benefits of breast milk for premature infants because the antibodies in it are valuable for helping them stave off infections, among other things, but I doubt all this demand is coming from preemie moms…
I’m not putting any words in your mouth - you chose to drop the issue when I pointed out you are basically arguing for a cessation of permitting discretion among law enforcement - because that’s the only way you could actually ensure that the Eichenwald and Quinn cases are “treated the same” as to your personal…
So basically, you don’t believe any discretion should exist because it might be used wrong, and then....reasons. Okay, I guess it makes sense if you don’t think on it too long.
Except by saying that agencies have discretion, you show why they aren’t really comparable. If discretion exists, then you’re saying that somebody within the FBI made a decision to not pursue Quinn’s case (something you can’t actually say in fact, BTW - Anna states in the article above that the FBI does have an active…
But I don’t think they’re comparable when we have no evidence that the same people had anything to do with them. If the same agents who handled Quinn’s matter handled Eichenwald’s - yes, than a comparison would be warranted. But it’s highly unlikely that they did. And also, the comparison suffers more when you have to…