
...But nobody is arguing differently? I haven’t seen anybody here argue that women who are harassed shouldn’t be taken seriously. You’re arguing a point nobody disputed. I did point out that legally, Quinn and Eichenwald are regarded as different because his case would be classified as an actual assault, whereas her’s

No, but I do think the article minimized the seriousness of what occurred. A seizure can be fatal, given the right circumstances (one of the primary killers of epileptics is falls they sustain when they’re triggered). What happened to this man is very, very serious and the person who did it deserves to be arrested.

Not so sure how I feel about this title.

Well, SOME Republicans are old-school enough to understand that there is such a thing as “cost cutting spending.” Which is basically spending some money now to save money down the line. Like say, oh, lead remediation - yes, you have to spend up front now, but the costs you save in things like medical costs, supportive

Rex Tillerson was probably the moment I realized that Trump is both a total moron and couldn’t care less about looking smart. When he makes Nikki Haley the UN Ambassador and Tillerson SoS, that’s when I knew. Now, I’m no fan of Haley’s politics, but by every measure, she was more qualified for SoS - she actually has a

PBS’s children’s programming was actually created with the intent of serving households where the children could not attend things like daycare or pre-K. That was the POINT of it. It was designed to serve the households that were most at risk of not getting sufficient educational material. If you’re a single mom or a

Meals on Wheels has so many benefits that people don’t even realize. There was a study done that showed that it actually helps reduce fatalities among the elderly simply by bringing people daily (or every other day or something like that) to their homes - if the senior is incapacitated, the volunteer will often find

I get it - I have psoriatic arthritis and am facing the prospect of a life dealing with pain too. My problem with painkiller prescribing is not that they relieve pain in people who need it - my problem is that they are far too often used when there is a viable chance of IMPROVING the pain situation through alternative

But physical therapy is not favored because it takes time. A person might be recommended for 1 hour of PT 3-4 times a week for months on end - that takes time away from work, and employers don’t like that. A pill is quick - just pop it in the morning and they’re good. No sick time, no missed time. That’s another

Thats a valuable point - pain can also be important feedback to your body. If you are experiencing chronic pain, that can be your bodys way of saying, Hey, youre doing something detrimental - knock it off.I sit all day at work and found myself having a ton of shoulder/neck discomfort for a long time - and

One thing I have noticed about the difference between Americans and other countries is that other nations seem to largely not make the kind of promises American doctors tend to make. In America, pain relief means “taking the pain away” more often than not. Most of us seem to believe that “pain relief” means a total

This right here:

I think the thing that tickles me the most is that these people seem to believe that simply by passing a law - which is, let’s remember, a piece of paper with words upon it that somebody signs - we can stop everybody except cisgender women from entering ladies’ restrooms. Because that’s how this works - simply make

This is why my husband (who refers to himself as “very center” politics-wise) will give the finger to the TV anytime he sees a Hollywood awards show (or just about anything else) where somebody gets up and talks about “diversity” (usually in relation to railing against some conservative). He basically takes the stance

My sister has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Before ACA ended the practice, my sister had insurance that contained yearly caps in the amount that the insurance would pay out. The problem with that - well, if you know anything about CFS, you know that it is a very variable illness - sufferers can go weeks, months without

He’s actually really cool with the kids. And I’ll personally take Gordon (who, for all his faults, is a technically accomplished cook who generally knows his stuff) over the style-before-substance people we seem to get stuck with way too often on food TV (I never forgave the Taste for punishing me with Nigella and her

The insanity is that he buys into the trope that “white” as a thing can be distinguished by color.

But I’d argue that infighting is the inevitable, predictable result of predicating your movement upon concepts like oppression and privilege. When you turn oppression into a currency, you incentive people to collect as many as possible and that creates divisions (since oppression inherently comes from others). Don’t

They already made a sequel to Ferngully, so I don’t see why Mr. Cameron is paining himself with giving us another one.

I think one of the great injustices done to MLK in history is how we’ve been able to reduce him to a totally nonthreatening figure who just said very nice quotes (same thing’s happened to Gandhi). MLK does not get understood as the shrewd tactician he truly was and how intelligently he steered the movement towards