Except I just pointed out your own shitty , judgmental comment - and you double down on it. Way to be “feminist” there, sister.
Except I just pointed out your own shitty , judgmental comment - and you double down on it. Way to be “feminist” there, sister.
No, I have read the links. Nothing said disproves my point - that trying to economically harm a company that is objectively better than most for industry standards makes little economic sense. The boycott was driven by progressive feels before reals. You are the one complaining about “you do you” but getting defensive…
But unless you’ve had to deal with the shitty comments when you CHANGE your name (oh, for example, about how you kept your name because you’re “still your own person”) you don’t get how that is. Just sayin’
Which companies? If you’re so proud, say them.
Oh, sorry, my mistake.
“I am still my own person.” But that’s true regardless of name. You’re you. You exist. Regardless of the name, that is true. That’s the kind of statement that women who change their names resent. I did not “vanish” or merge with my husband. I’m still here, same as ever. A name change does nothing to alter that. It…
Except there are these things called facts - and they’re, you know, true. Objective thinking values factual data over feelings, or emotions, or desires. Your argument can only work if emotional reactions can be regarded as equal to factual decision-making. Which...why would they be?
What system? Only marrying “fully formed” people? So it’s a child marriage system? Kids are fully formed people, you know.
Because it’s a BS term? What the hell does it mean? I was “fully formed” upon birth - all the parts were there. Though I’m not ready to advocate for child marriage.
Then I guess it’s great nobody is suggesting otherwise. Unless I’ve missed something on this thread...
I have two friends who actually both have hyphenated names - Mom’s name, Dad’s name. And no joke, they’re expecting a baby and there is great consternation over the last name. Do they go with both grandfathers? Both grandmothers? One of each? How do you choose? It’s getting to a ridiculous level.
Damn, outed by Kinja:
But I’m not. I’m saying that all names are male to start with, and a woman carries a name that she inherited from a man (somewhere down the line). She can make that name her own, but that does not change the origin of it. It’s a response to feminists who argue against name changes because the prior name was “her’s”…
Oh, I freely admit that changing one’s name is the preferred standard for women now. Never denied it. My issue that that, while the patriarchy likes it that way, many women do not do it for patriarchal reasons but still get accused of “playing into it.” I’ve met women who were raring to change their names - because of…
So it’s inherited from your father...but it’s not his. He has nothing to do with it, it’s just yours. Is that your point? Because...that makes no sense.
Damn straight it’s her name. My mom was thrilled to throw off her maiden name because, honestly, her family reacted horribly to her marriage, whereas my dad’s family embraced her. She got married at 17 and is now 50 - it’s her name. No explanation needed, as far as I see. Men might be the origins of names, but we do…
I said it because...it’s true. Your name was inherited from a man, either way (changed or no). That does not mean you cannot make that name into your own in any way. I have a man’s name on me right now. But I do not react as you do because I know it now belongs to me precisely because I have built up an identity and…
Because “cunt bitch” is the height of rational discourse. I presume this is now some kind of performance art on your part, so please, keep on. You amuse me.
But I never said that. I said it originates with a man (in the vast majority of cases). What I said is below. Your assigned at birth name CAN be yours. But so can my changed, married name. So can any name. Which is the point.
That’s....kinda presumptive. “Fully formed person?” What the hell does that even mean? You can’t get married until you...what? Own a home? Graduate from college? What the hell? Guess what - I was married before I did both those things. Still married, very happy. There are young people who are mature enough to handle…