
Nearly every day my life. By fast food standards, they’re actually one of the better ones. But I guess your personal comfort is more important know, better employee treatment?

But you are basing your decision-making upon an ideal, which is essentially a fiction. Ideally, all companies would be better. But they’re not. So you now are basically using the ideal as the standard. The problem there is that you invariably now have a standard that will always result in disappointment. And you said

I try to go to places that are objectively good for the employees, above all. Because I believe that it the objectively most important thing a business can do.

At the time of the boycott, they were providing health insurance, which is what I was talking about (let’s be clear on that). I did understand that they moved over to the marketplace because it was supposedly better for the employees in terms of comprehensive coverage and subsidies, which would mean they would

No, my point is that we have to make choices that, no matter what, will be imperfect. CFA is not a great company - but compared to what? By the standards of the fast food industry, it’s up there. It’s the same thing with Hobby Lobby - above minimum wage, paid time off, vacations, health insurance for all - but hey, we

Hon, you do know that by the standards of the fast food industry....that’s good, right? Most of the employees in fast food get NO flexibility with days off (sick or vacation). For the health insurance, I believe they moved them onto the marketplace because the benefits were larger and the subsidies would reduce the

But you probably do for giving part-time employees health insurance in the fast food industry. Just sayin’

Logical?.....because “bitch” and “cunt” are logical now? If that’s what you deem as logical, I’d hate to see what you think of as emotive.

I didn’t say you can’t make your own decision. But honestly, do you not think your money is going to bad places anyway? Any company that pays out profits to anybody - equity holders, stockholders, etc. - has money going to people who are putting that money into causes you do not like. Do you know all the people who The firings to not take part in prayers were, from what I remember, allegations. I go by the EEOC filings. Can you point me to an actual finding by the EEOC or court that found that the company discriminated on the basis of religion? Because honestly, I’ve never seen a filing that suggests they did.

Technically, yes. But that’s my point - all of this dust-up over “real names” is bunk. All of us inherited our names from somebody, and in the overwhelmingly majority of cases, they come from a man (either our fathers or further back). A person can build a lasting, meaningful identity around the name they were

Um..yes. Id tell your brother his name is from his father. Same as you. See how easy that is?

So basically, you admit that you largely have to buy second hand to make this work? So havent you kind of proven my point?

Pithy. And, just ridiculous.

I did not say “It shouldn’t matter.” I said “It is largely beyond your control.” Because it is. Your money, as hard as you might try, IS going to places you do not like. That is true in all cases. What we can do is do our best to support companies that actually get closer to aligning with our values. Boycotting

I’m for Intelligent Action (which is different then apathy). Intelligence requires looking at things objectively and thinking “Is this really smart?” Is it really smart to boycott a company that actually has genuinely progressive policies - especially company-wide healthcare, which is HUGE - because of one policy that

I don’t have regard for you because you are clearly ignorant. Nobody who actually knows about eugenics could pick the words you do. You claim to be feminist, but you make it into a joke with your ignorance. You haven’t made a single intelligent point - just used gendered insults. Frankly, if I wanted to show you for

I think men are not questioned on it more because, well, there is no real male equivalent to the feminist movement pressing the issue for them. Feminism has brought the name issue to the fore.

But that doesn’t really answer my question. Now you’ve simply made it a matter of degree. You’re saying “I’m okay with smaller amounts of money going to causes I hate, but [insert random amount here] that’s just too much!” But in reality, your last post doesn’t suggest that. If you find a cause horrific, should it