
But that’s easy to do if you don’t believe Islam to be a religion. Most anti-Islam people state that it is less of a religion and more of an “ideology.” means exactly, they can never really say. But it does make clear that they do not believe Islam to be a religion worthy of the same degree of respect as Christianity

So you’re totally cool with the fact that his message just got broadcast to thousands more people than he’d ever reach during the campus circuit? That’s some reasoning you got there. But you kind of strike me as the type for whom reals don’t matter as much as the feels do.

I suspect she knows that. It’s about dragging the Trump administration into the sunlight and making the American public aware of what is going on.

Absent their ability to actually stop Trump’s nominees, this is the best the Dems can do right now - to keep tabs on him, to call him out on stuff like this, and to keep the American public informed. This bill has absolutely no shot at becoming law, but I suspect she knows that - that’s not the point. She’s forcing it

Except when, you know, “smashing” it leads to the poster boy getting an interview on CNN - then, maybe you should rethink that whole strategy. But YMMV.

Because NOW, he’s going to get paid to espouse genocide on NATIONAL TV. See how quick it happened? They catapulted him to a larger, more national forum. That’s how stupid works, see?

Except this is exactly what he wanted. Guess what’s happening now? He’s going to get MORE interviews. He’s already been on Tucker Carlson’s show, and he’ll likely appear on more. The Berkeley geniuses just ensured that he gets exposed to a far larger audience than he would have had if he had just spoken at the

I have 3, 2 of whom look absolutely nothing like me (damn my husband’s super powerful South Asian / Middle Eastern genetics). It doesn’t really matter because, hey, I know they’re mine - but yeah, sometimes I do think “I carried you for 9 months, I endured all that pain and suffering to get you here while his job was

Dude...Did you ignore my last post? The other organizations are asking questions about the son - not the mother. They’re considering whether the mother influenced the son. Which is a valid question - analogous to if Trump’s sister was nominated. My point was that this piece on Jez does not meet any standard like the

You know, stuff like this almost makes me have a modicum of empathy for Donald Trump.

But you haven’t explained anything. You said “famous person related to famous person” is newsworthy. Except, not really. The relation would have to have some bearing on current events - and there is no suggestion that his relationship with his mother, or her previous actions, has any bearing on his judicial history.

Except none of the protestors at airports actually TRIED to speak for the detainees - they were there to express their own views. See the difference? I don’t recall one of them jumping in front of a news camera to speak for anybody being detained. But cool false equivalency.

Except that’s not the rule in law or in journalism. Not every single thing in a famous person’s life is actually newsworthy - which you’d know if you ever picked up a treatise on “public figures” in the media. Journalists write things that are actually relevant to the current situation. You have repeatedly, despite me

No, I’m not presuming that. Your original post was you taking it upon yourself to mention the prayer issue and frame it as “well there are others too.” If you objected, there was no issue with you objecting on your own behalf - when you do it unasked for others, that becomes white-knighting. Combining that with all

I’ve heard that girls tend to favor their dads and boys tend to lean towards the mom and/or a mix of both parents. But again, that’s totally non-scientific. Although I have heard that babies that look like their dads tend to get more paternal attention, so maybe there’s something to that.

If W. had nominated Trump’s sister to SCOTUS, what would be relevant would be her brother’s influence on her judicial career, or the possibility that he could influence her on the bench - because those are valid questions pertaining to HER jurisprudence.

Except you presume to speak for two people that, as far as we know, did not ask you to “white knight” for them. If you objected to the prayer, that’s within your rights. But your OP was plenty white-knight and virtual signaling - that’s what I’m saying.

Except you haven’t answered my question - why write it at all?

I can see Beyoncé in the eyes and brows more now as she ages. But when she was an infant especially - she looked exactly like Jay.

Except those things you’ve mentioned are all mentioned in relative passing by other outlets. This is an entire post about his mother - so you’ve just created a false equivalence. I have not argued that his mother is not worth mentioning at all - I argued that creating an article dedicated to the subject of his his