
Maybe Bey will finally get one that looks like her!

You’re really arguing that his mother is the most “noteworthy” part of his life? I’d argue that the stuff he’s actually done - like, oh say, his JUDICIAL DECISIONS - might be slightly more noteworthy, given that he’s up to become a Supreme Court justice and all (but that’s just me - you may vary). His mother has not

Except is that any evidence that her son would try to pull something similar? Is it trying to suggest that he is against the EPA due to his mother’s situation? If that’s the case, the author might try to pull from something a wee bit more relevant - like the son’s own decisions, maybe?

But how? I’d totally agree if the son had made statements to the effect that he was going to try to revisit the issue or something like that. The son is 49 years old now. These events transpired over 30 years ago - a time when her son would have been a teenager - so he was not a party to them. Again, it seems like the

But how does that implicate the son? The only reason this was even written was because this woman’s son is now a SCOTUS nominee - otherwise, there would be no reason to ever really revisit her (at least not in any way related to a judicial proceeding). Like I said, the article doesn’t argue that her son would likely

Maybe this is unpopular - but what is the point of this article? From what I’ve read elsewhere, there is plenty to dislike about this guy based upon his own jurisprudence and decisions. I fail to see how an article discussing his mother’s actions several decades ago bears much relevance to him or the nomination

The weird part of that story is that, generally, since Christianity, Islam and Judaism all share common roots and a common conception of God, a Jew and a Muslim would probably take little issue with an Abrahamic prayer being said (I could see a concern if the prayer was one of the older types that contained some, uh,

The media also plays a role in this. The dissemination effect causes people to believe an event is more common then it really is. Crimes committed by foreigners and/or Muslims receive a disproportionate share of media coverage, so people think they happen more than they do. So in that sense, I don’t blame people for

On the bright side, we now might totally have a viable candidate for Trump’s first pardon!

But there is no “fight” here in the sense that much can be done to resist Trump. He has made clear that he is going to do whatever the heck he wants, the GOP majority will likely be to feckless to stop him (unless McCain, Graham, Collins, etc. prove me wildly wrong), the Democrats have no real tools to stop him, he’s

Weird fact: Ronda is the great-granddaughter of Alfred Waddell, who was one of the first black physicians to ever become licensed in North America. If you ever get a chance to look him up, he’s kind of fascinating.

Let 2017 be known as the year that the Richard Pryor Defense became a valid answer in politics.

Excuse me, but....what fight? The Democrats CAN’T fight, that’s the point. Harry Reid took off their kneecaps by handing the nuclear option to the GOP, so all of Trump’s people are guaranteed in (unless, of course, a handful of Republicans switch sides,’s hoping). There is no political “fight” to fight,

I’m not insanely shocked that it happened in Quebec. The short amount of time I spent there (visiting a friend) kind of left me with the impression that it is a place that is, uh, rather enamored with itself and doesn’t exactly like the idea of “foreigners” changing “their culture.” Granted, I was there in late

You can’t “lump” the VP in with the President during an impeachment. You would need to bring separate articles to impeach the VP (which has never happened yet). Also, I believe you are mistaken - there are plenty of people within the GOP who would LOVE to see Pence as President. Trump is hated by the GOP too,

Its a trap - its a move designed to frustrate those whod seek to impeach him.


The more fundamental issue: Religious tests do not work, period!

My problem with the backlash is the hypocrisy. Do I agree with her? No. But some of ya act like this is a “new” thing. If you think this woman deserves this for performing for somebody as bad as Trump, ya should probably also boycott and protest the following:

Except the point is that, in a place white feminists tend to get all bothered for as a “progressive bastion,” Wilders shouldn’t even be a factor. And he certainly shouldn’t be as popular as he is.