
So the people you don’t agree with are ‘deplorable’? That’s the concept that got him elected.

But it DOES matter.

Kanye West hangs with Trump, defends Bill Cosby but Taylor Swift is the enemy...okay lol. West was the one who called her ‘that bitch’ in a song while acting like it was going to be a compliment. Keep sucking his egomaniac dick though.

This wasn’t Marvel. Fox owns Deadpool at this point. I think Disney would have done this and even get Taylor Swift on board since day one.

5-0. OKC + 4 road games on the west coast. All with most of the starting line up out.

Brad Stevens is magical.

So Boston’s gone 4-0 during this recent stretch (starting with OKC at home) when 0-4 seemed a likelier possibility last week? Daamn.

Brad Stevens can draw up some great inbound plays, the last play had 2 great shooting options.

What are you even talking about? I’m not talking about the highlight reel in the slightest. I enjoy these videos. Am I not allowed to state a personal opinion about one of the games?

Hope I didn’t burn your hands ... If I did I’m sorry.

Not as clear as yours is. Nice to see how open you are to discussion. Sorry (not really) to have disturbed your echo chamber.

I’ll re-post my comment to Sarcastro5 since you didn’t bother to read it.

And you perpetuate the inability of the commenters on this site to engage in civil discourse without resorting to calling anyone that points out any issues in argument or disagrees with them as racist, sexist, etc.

According to the OP, Step 1 is dressing the part. Step 2 isn’t identified, but I bet it doesn’t involve chanting and screaming and causing the very meeting you’re protesting to adjourn and force you to go back where you started.

No, they adjourned because they weren’t having a meeting to listen to that shit. It’s pretty simple.

I do respect my life and other peoples property, hence I don’t break into others cars. I imagine you feel the same way.

And perpetuates the stereotype of uncivilized, angry black man.

The council didn’t take him seriously. They adjourned the meeting without doing anything to help him or even respond to him. You confuse the national media reporting on this as “taking him seriously” and they’re not the same thing.

Step one for not being taken seriously: show up with headphones around your neck and sunglasses on.