
no there is no goddamn middle ground to be had. i personally do self-censor that word at karaoke and stuff but this is on a team bus with friends. they can sing whatever the hell lyrics they are comfortable singing

Pretty sure we figured this out in the early 90s when the word was shortened to “nuh” for radio play.

Jesus christ, you’re really going for it with this post. This is incredible. You make it sound in the headline like they’re just chanting it for no reason, because you know “singing along to a song” makes it sound much less bad. Then, when we’re primed to feel bad, you post the sad, desperate text messages of some

Calling this “chanting” is pretty despicable, guys. You’re purposely trying to make this more than it is. The girls are really dumb here but they’re just singing a popular song.

I mean, they aren’t just “chanting” it, it’s the lyrics. From a song about a white guy being a black guy for a day, where the conceit of the song is that that’s actually Lil Dicky rapping AS Chris Brown saying the N word because he can.
Don’t say the N word is a good policy.

wait so... they’re just singing along with rap lyrics? And we’re outraged why?

I must be getting old. I thought the headline was referring to them literally just yelling the N word. But no....its a song..........

They were singing lyrics to a song. Nobody chanted “Nigger”.

Serious question- were they just singing along to the lyrics or did they make up their own and add the N-word? A google search for the song’s lyrics makes it appear that the N-word was used MANY times within the song so I just want to make sure of the issue. If the entire team was singing along to the actual lyrics

People don’t own words, that’s just not how it works.

This isn’t really hating on black people at all. It’s a group of girls having fun singing along to a popular song.

I don’t play those online games either. In fact, I don’t play MP games at all, anymore. Too many Adderall riddled 15 year olds there as well.

No worries! Kinja is horrible. Everyone knows lol.

Yeah, I’m not really getting the hate against his comments. He’s not saying anything about the quality of the movies, just that the Oscars are specifically for theatrically-released movies. If they’re open to streaming-first movies — and hey, I’d be open to a rule change — then they’d have to be opened to made-for-TV

Everything Spielberg said is true; most of what you said is not.

Gotta say, his comments seem pretty reasonable/ mild. He said that VR narrative story telling was “challenging” and he is right. That is why it’s still being figured out. Also, not sure how controversial it is to say that home streaming services (like Netflix) belong at the Emmy’s along with movies made for

I’ve been with people who have Napolean complex and it can be tough to have honest conversations without consideration about their height, directly or otherwise. We’re talking about 4'9s females who are 30+ years old - imagine being constantly in fear of being judged as a ‘little girl.’ It’s not fun.

Apparently he has some massive inferiority complex...

Where is the “whoosh” button?