
The blacks LOVE pimpin’!

Yes, and he had a weapon in his vehicle with his prints all over it fuckhead.

Names always hurt the blacks, didn’t ya know?

Beat it nigger.

That’s why you’re the only uncivilized race on this planet, you resort to violence when other races can use rational to resolve conflicts. It will be the same way 100 years from now, and you’ll still be overflowing jails because no one wants to be around you.

You’re getting owned here, much like your ancestors!

“ say shit, you get hit”- black community mantra

She hit him while he CROSSED A HIGHWAY, JUMPING OVER A MEDIAN you dumbfuck!!!

Not blacks.

...or that such a small percentage of our population accounts for such a large percentage of violent crime? Then when cops let go a perp that “murdered your baby boy” you blame them!

Kid was worthless garbage, good.

Blacks aren’t civilized, end of story. There’s a reason that there are THOUSANDS of videos of them assaulting one person in large groups...that’s what packs of ANIMALS do. Heck, they created their own website just to glorify their behavior, WorldStar.

GZ is a hero.

“reclaiming”...maybe we should reclaim you as slaves!

Uh yeah, most guys can easily do that to a woman you dipshit.

We don’t like you, so we’ll continue to treat you like shit just like EVERY OTHER COUNTRY DOES!

At least she wasn’t black!

...because you ARE subhuman. We literally used you as cattle.

Blacks, fuckwad.

We’ll say whatever the fuck we want to your dumb coon asses and there’s NOTHING you can do about it! Be happy, going to jail is literally a family reunion for you dipshits!