
Go have a good cry, faggot.

Greta Van Fleet, the end.

Which is ironic considering everyone that proclaims him the GOAT and not Jordan always slight MJ for inferior competition in the playoffs as the reason for his 6 rings.

Black women are genetically violent, that’s why your men dump you for white women!

Why don’t you go hop back on your sister.

You’re pathetic, and the white race doesn’t need nor want you, cuck.

...because blacks applaud and support this type of behavior. Highest rates of both domestic assault and single unwed mothers.

I guess knocking out her teeth previously doesn’t count?

Because she is far more popular and powerful.

You sound dumb...and racist.

“ride the “Me Too” wave...uh, dumbass she sued someone and WON for sexual assault, then donated the money to charity for women’s causes, pretty sure that is exactly what Me Too is about.

And yet she’s sold more albums than Beyonce, and her tours are far more successful, dumbfuck.

She had a career LOOOOONG ago, dipshit. Of course you’ll take the side of a shitty black man, your race of women have been doing that forever, no wonder your men consider white women trophies, hahaha!!!!

Beat it coon.

...and ironically in the same night where Lebron has proclaimed himself MVP “because adversity”. Boston is 7 games ahead of them with their #2 out for the year, their #1 has missed a quarter of the season so far and out until the playoffs (who isn’t anywhere near as good as Lebron), and have Al Horford and a bunch of

It’s actually Drain, but Asians willed it to be pronounced Dwane.

Which is ironic because this person just said this to me:

Correct, and as shown in Ferguson when either police scale back efforts or elect majority black officials to oversee the situation it eithers stays the same or gets far worse with black crime.

