
...not to chase suspects vandalizing property? You do realize if the guy had smashed a window and attempted to enter a home he could be legally shot, right?

Shocking, man with Mr. Sterling long criminal history, including convictions for battery and illegal possession of a gun...found with loaded .38 caliber revolver in his pocket!

Far more whites are shot by cops, the difference is that we don’t get upset when the person who was either breaking the law or resisting arrest dies in the process...we usually call them “Darwin Awards winners”.

...maybe because this has been happening to random innocent kids for almost 2 decades without criminal records who were simply going to school which is mandated by each state, unlike most of these police shootings where they were responding to a 911 call or crime in progress in which in almost every case the suspect

...and yet blacks have no problem saying racist things to whites because “it’s different”.

Which is ironic considering blacks shoot and hate on one another far more than whites do. The reality is we have on own lives to live and rarely if ever rely on you for anything besides entertainment.

...until you need something from them like: a job, a loan, an education, healthcare, etc.

“because black people are hurt by WORDS”!

Shouldn’t you be taking selfies and whining about school loans?

...and yet far more whites get killed by cops.

And he’d be 6-5 in Finals which really isn’t as good as 6-0.

He realizes that his championship window is rapidly closing unless he goes to yet another star-laden younger team.

Why should coverage be “equal” when you make up 13% of the population? Latinos make up a bigger percentage and yet no whining from them, but because the US is almost 68% white somehow your ‘math’ dictates it be “equal” in every single instance.

...and yet you NEVER see white people making bullshit excuses like this. He was seen by the helicopter smashing multiple windows, people called 911 to report this...yet only BLACK PEOPLE deny this!!! Twenty-something year-olds don’r “run through yards” to go home, and especially black people should know that when

Oh, the guy who had “..previously been cited or arrested 90 times. Since the late 1980s, when he began racking up arrests as a teenager, he paid fines totaling nearly $12,000"?

...and yet he wasn’t trageting minorities in ANY of the incidents, you dumbfuck.

I’ll take rings anyday.

Meh, the BMW X5 is pretty much the same:

FYI: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows