
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows

Ahhh...the blacks!

That’s a dude. And from the comments here..a bunch of lesbians.

Shhhh...they’ll be here any minute to tell you how archaic meetings and punctuality really are, and that the best ideas spring up around 9pm!

...and yet they still lose this year, so what?

Uh, he also played against Bird, Magic, Barkley, Olajuwon, etc. who are all in the Hall. Did you forget that LeBron had FIVE Finals losses?! Have you not seen him pretty much get players and coaches sent packing? Have you not seen his owner spend the most of any team the past few years and still zero rings? Have you

Aren’t these being banned by airlines because of the plug-in piece?

Aren’t these being banned by airlines because of the plug-in piece?


Maybe don’t fucking run when ordered not to, genius?

Uh yeah, the video clearly shows him scaling a fence after jumping on a shed, going to his vehicle, looking in the back then running the minute cops tell him not to.

You sound like an idiot, how many fucking poeople scale fences through another property, go to their vehicle, look in the back and then start RUNNING when police tell them not to?!

“audacity to run”...hey dumbass, it clearly shows him going from yard to yard to windows and refusing to comply with their commands and taking off. Sorry, but the moment you do suspicious shit on someone else’s property (who btw could’ve LEGALLY shot him if he attempted to enter), then refuse AND run from cops all

They don’t know he’s unarmed IN THE DARK dummy.

Thank you for your FauxConcern.

Right, because them wishing the same on someone else is ok though:

There aren’t “many countries” better than the US otherwise no one would need us to bail them out constantly. You don’t see us checking first with other nations before we consider going to war.

None of those require “hard work”, case in point “Weird Al” who has all of that stuff, faghag. There isn’t a fucking soul alive who considers her “hard working”, Christ she needed her father to step in because she couldn’t keep her shit together! Ya know, “touring musician since age 15"!

“POCs/posters on The Root”. Face it, if your man got you pregnant then shacked up with a white girl...her race would have NO BEARING in your anger? Because there are countless studies and articles that bear this out: lack of men and white women as “trophies”.

They’ll have to or else ‘racism’.

Yeah, as if black women are REALLY pulling for white women, hahaha! Remember when they supported you en masse at your little BLM rallies, and it was always “don’t make it about yourselves”, or to Latinos who are also POCs it was “start your own movement then”?