
Brazilians are now considered “black” by default??

Nope, simple observation based off of your idiotic comment.

I know that it’s a violent shithole, so there’s that.

Only because you’re not in front of me, marketing cuck.

Just remember you CELEBRATED in the streets when he killed two white people, dumbasses.

...maybe next time don’t grab a guy’s property and you won’t get a beatdown, black America?

Not on this site unfortunately, everything is because of whitey in their world, that’s their entire schtick.

This should get him plenty of new roles, execs LOVE being compared to slavery talk, hahaha!

This is the person that black America voted overwhelmingly for, HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Of course he does it, because MANY times he’d get called for charging as you can’t simply force your way to the hoop if it’s being guarded in a legal position. But because it’s this diva suddenly they’re called “highlights”. Again, he’s 33 not 43 so jumping 3 or 4 feet shouldn’t be cause for adulation or praise from

You don’t get to tell me what to do, got it son?

Oh fuck off already. What, you got bored hanging out on The Root, dipshit?

...maybe because we make up almost 70% of the country? Why worry about the little shit? You spend your time worrying about the homeless or unemployed, dumbass?

We should drag your dumb ass back to your mother land, toss you in a mudhut!

...then why does EVERY country hate blacks?

Go have a good fucking cry, minority.

Don’t worry, your race is hated worldwide!

English...learn it dipshit.

Get lost clownshoe.

Guess you haven’t spent ANY time on The Root then dumbass, because that’s pretty much ALL they say.