
Uh’s not like he took off from the FT line, it was nothing spectacular if you’ve watched basketball the past couple decades...or are over the age of 11.

...and yet somehow Rolling Stone only considers him the 33rd best of all time, wtf?? I’m sorry, but IMHO he blows the fucking doors off of Keith Richards who they ranked FOURTH!!

Hoping to jump in a few months from now when they start discounting them. Forbes said that orders are down 50% from last year’s S8 so maybe 35% off by Summer which would make it less painful.

I know, of the 8000 more than half are black or Brazilian.

Fuckin’ awesome!

...killed by OTHER BLACKS, how shocking.

Dude, relax it was a simple dunk. You act like the guy was making some exerted effort and got clowned. Worse, the Cavs look like a joke.

The same place your Mommy kisses me.

Jesus Christ that was lame, he dunks over a guy that made a half-hearted effort and now it’s “ruthless and vicious”? Then again, these are the same idiots that get excited over “ankle-breaking” plays.

#hot take

Wouldn’t be a Harriott piece without some proclamation that white people are inferior....despite us living far better lives all over the world! Despite us DAILY inventing new things, finding new cures, creating new technologies, etc.

Call me when you can go through life not relying on us! Where are all of your black-owned banks, utilities, real estate companies, etc.? Nowhere on this planet is there a successful city, country or nation that is mostly black...NOWHERE.

Maybe change your culture and we could trust you.

...and yet we run the world.

You still believe that fairy tale?? The Kinsey study proved that wrong looooong ago, tubby.

Black on white rape is FAR more rampant than white on black.

You’re right, because Italian food is horrible. Are Greeks and the irish not white anymore?? Oh wait, lemme guess...blacks invented all that too right dipshit?

Won’t happen in this lifetime so why do you even care? You honestly think that blacks have it much better now?

What’s the point of fathering multiple children from multiple women, not supporting them financially...but coming around every now and then to say “that’s my boy!”?

Maybe because blacks on average have little to no value of human life. We’re talking about a group that will kill someone over sneakers, a fake rope chain or “a disrespctin’ look”.