
Can we not blame Amy Schumer for the assholery of men she may have employed/known? Let’s stay focused on the true jerks who deserve our anger.

Your uncle was justly punished by the universe for committing the sin of eating something that was not his without permission. Never eat food that isn’t yours without asking.

Dont trust unattended brownies, people. They’re bad news.


My auntie made diabetic brownies which uses that artificial sugar you don’t want to eat too much of because it gives you diarrhea and gad something bad. She leaves them out and comes back later to see half the pan was gone. Turns out her husband ate half of the pan by himself. He’s driving down the road when the need

The only thing better than this article are the mansplainy comments. #blessyourheart

If I ever hire a party planner, I may specify “Ole Miss degree a plus.”

Communications majors. Just waiting for their bids from Alpha so they can clear out of that dorm and be where they belong.

I probably need to look into why this annoys me so. But I’m not going to. This annoys me. I’m annoyed. And I’ve decided to be okay with it.

I know this doesn’t have anything to do with the story but am I the only one who feels like the constant ragging on his intelligence is incredibly rude? I don’t know, maybe it is just the way that I was brought up but you don’t pick on people because you think they are dumb. I don’t care if he is as dumb as a box of

What is the connection between a guy who was found not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and thus was never incarcerated, and the mass incarceration problem? His acquittal entitled him to not being incarcerated. It didn’t entitle him to anyone’s respect, to not have to answer questions, or to be free from criticism.

I suspect only in a plea bargain.

As a black woman I have to get this off my chest. If I see one more black man say this shit was brought up because of Birth of a Nation I am going to scream! I have known about this for at least 3 or 4 years you didn’t want to know don’t start with the conspiracy theories.

“I should have used more wisdom.”

There are a lot of “I” statements in this statement. Hm.

The cancellation of this show really upsets me. I know that the Internet hated it—because how dare he discuss race so often!—but I loved The Nightly Show from the beginning and I thought that lately it was starting to border on really great. So many late night hosts get YEARS to work their shit out (I remember Colbert

Well at least he pretty well demonstrated he wasn’t funny and the show was worth cancelling.

That is some Rambo-level hardcoreness for a twelve-year-old, so...

So, would you call it...synchronized swimming?

The worst thing I’ve ever endured as a swimmer was practicing for a few weeks in a disgustingly hot pool. The water was warm, the room was hot, and you could actually FEEL YOURSELF SWEATING IN THE WATER. So gross. So, so, so gross. It is one thing to run and be sweaty and it is another to SWIM IN A POOL OF YOUR