
No, but that’s the point.

First, for the sake of your sanity stay away from that stuff. Those posts always end up with the sanctimommies ruining everything and making everyone else weep. I had a c-section with my youngest. It was a traumatic, emergency kind of deal and I will spare you the rest- but I did not get to actually see the kid let

My favorite birth billing story is my SIL/BIL. With my niece, they’d met their deductible for the year, so the hospital billed the entire procedure to the new baby and refused any negotiation on the matter.

I had an emergency c-section 7 months ago. When I got my completely insane hospital bill that my insurance refused to cover one penny of (close to $130k). I was questioning why the anesthesia wasn’t covered. Turns out I had neglected to ask which group the anesthesiologist was in. Silly me, being wheeled into surgery

I don’t really mind the people who think it’s fake. This is a woman who got married for public attention. If somebody doubts her sincerity, it’s probably because they have existed in society sometime this decade.

Sorbonne educated? Citation, please.

Snotty elitist fashion people shit on Kim, a noted Not Rail Thin Well Groomed Sorbonne Educated White Woman.

I mean, she’s given interviews before that made it pretty clear that she was a woman, so I don’t think that “is Elena Ferrante really a man?” was a question that interested the guy who doxxed her.

Totally agree, I always say “if you don’t want guys to smack your ass at 9 AM, don’t become a waitress”

It might not be unpopular, but it is stupid.

You are correct - this is an incredibly unpopular opinion.

1. Fuck you

There’s a distinction between wanting your art to receive attention/appreciation and yourself to receive attention/appreciation. It’s cruel to insist that every person who wants their expression to be heard must also open up themselves, even against their own wishes. It’s not necessary.


Identity is currency in this day and age. Anyone who tries to hide behind a pen name or an image is a curiosity. A weird aberration. People somehow need to know. I don’t know why. It’s like some people are insulted that someone would hide their real identity in this oversharing day and age. People feel like they’re

Or maybe they’re just fucking rich and their showers are huge and have ample seating and the rain-style shower heads from above and there are spots that don’t even get wet. So maybe the logistics are different.

hello Jezebel are you paying attn? we have found a nice solution for a problem you aren’t acknowledging.

They don’t have their shit together anymore. I can’t remember which writer it was who jumped down someone’s throat in the comments because s/he said “Wait, since when have you been a feminist site?” They’re pretty well-established for having feminist bloggers but not being a “feminist” site, but they aren’t even on

I don’t know, I sort of think that women have a responsibility to not put themselves into the sort of situation where this might occur. Which, apparently, involves building some sort of solitary subterranean bomb shelter and just living there for the rest of your lives.

I prefer “female” to modify a noun — it just sounds more grammatically correct to me — but my editors disagree and changed it.