
Petition to make baseball more interesting by adding gymnastics to it, complete with judges.

I’m actually amazed at how many people are shrugging off the unprofessionalism this woman has exhibited, both in her actions and her apology in which she still essentially blamed “spirited journalists” for her behavior. She doesn’t deserve to be shamed or harassed, but she also should not be in a position to shape

You want to see a career destroyed on social media, not from a relatively unknown academic but a nobel laureate for breaking exactly zero laws in a twitter shitstorm that gave him no chance to set the record straight? Read this story. I can’t remember anyone coming to his defense and asking people to let go on

Speak for yourself. At least five nights a week, I wake up in a cold sweat from having yet another nightmare about Ms. Click’s disrespect for the First Amendment. Sometimes she’s a Godzilla-sized monster, trampling student journalists and TV news crews like bugs beneath her massive feet. Other times she’s

Not sure that saying “I was only fired cuz im a white lady” is admitting any mistakes, at most shes saying it wasnt her fault at all.

She did not admit that she was wrong:

I think she should be able to work again, but a communications professor blocking journalists from a public area and saying bring some muscle (a threat) is a very, very, very bad look. That and her non-apology, I know I sure as hell wouldn’t want her working for any department I was involved with.

She is trash. If she held conservative opinions people here would be clamoring for her to be beheaded.

Don’t they generally have the option of taking their kids with them?

The dirty secret is that plenty of Mexicans and Central Americans do the same thing. People who think Trump’s wall is going to stop illegal immigration seemed to be totally unfazed by the fact that Trump himself went to and from Mexico by airplane.

Actually, even with all the rhetoric coming from the nativist right, the fact that we allow undocumented immigrants to work and live here makes our immigration system, with all its flaws, worlds better than that of Japan, Mexico, France, England, and a hundred other countries.

I can’t imagine the psychological position of having filmed a rape scene informed by one’s own experiences and then to find out that the writer and director who helped create it were also accused of rape. Moral vertigo.

I love that this guy thinks that his male employees aren’t a liability, even though California law mandates paid *family* leave. Fucker.

My lady detective skills will have this shit uncovered in no time. Give me 30 minutes to search the internet.

In 5th grade I went to my social studies teacher to tell her I was being bullied by a boy who called me several names, but was being extra mean because I was a “Yankee” (I had moved from New Mexico to east Texas three years prior and had no idea what that meant) and she told me, “Well, he’s calling you that because

Kindergarten!? Fuckin hell.

Why be a teacher?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Do something else if you hate children.

What a piece of shit. And fuck every single person who ever said that he'd paid his debt to society or whatever and it was unfair to continue to characterize him as a violent abuser.

He's in deep shit because his right to own a firearm will never be restored? Huh?

Man, fuck that dude.