
I was just reading some comments about the Depp/Heard story on other sites and I’ve concluded that a video could emerge of Johnny Depp repeatedly punching Amber Heard in the face, and the internet would still declare her to be a gold digger who deserved it.

So fucking depressing.

Holly Madison’s new baby’s name is “Rafael Michelangelo Leonardo Donatello”. There, I saved you guys a click through.

For releasing of filming for court, etc., it depends on where she taped it.

I tend to eat healthy or just plain weird vegetarian stuff. Problem solved. No-one wants my lunch except me! Bonus: I get to gross out my coworkers by telling them what I am eating.

At one job, where I was barely making a living wage, my Mercedes-driving boss used to steal my food. I found out after I left he used to stick his hands that were filthy from the warehouse right in the jar of nuts I kept in my desk. He also stole my lunch a few times. :|

Once I had a delicious piece of red velvet cake in a box in the fridge at work. Someone ate it...and left one bite inside.

Diet coke is more than caffeine, its a lifestyle. My spouse knows not to touch that shit. I will m u r d e r.

when i was in sixth grade someone stole my lunch out of my hallway cubby. somehow, just before lunch actually happened, someone figured out it was a girl in my class who i’d previously thought to be a friend (though not a close one). it was very creepy. in fact, the teachers and other adults in the principal’s office

I would literally cry if someone stole my Diet Coke and there wasn't at least one other (COLD) one in the fridge. Lunch theft and fucking with someone's caffeine are equally serious felonies.

Well, she didn’t just do it once. If I had 2 sodas in there, she’d take one. If I had 4, she’d take 2, sometimes 3. And she’d never, ever replace them. Same with the apples. She also did it with another girl’s yogurts.

Nightmare material.

I have never hit another person, but just thinking about someone stealing my food lets me know that under the right circumstances, I am capable of cold-blooded murder.

I hate it when people steal my food. I hold grudges over that. I remember.

This is the appropriate response.

A few years ago at the gym this sad lady started talking a lot, and though I thought she was kind of strange (in her forties and still lived with her parents, which I learned when she told me about cleaning her collection of bobble head dolls) I didn't really know how to shake her. Anyway, she used to regularly tell

Some shit faced dick bag stole my chicken salad croissant today from the work refrigerator. I AM GOING TO FIND OUT WHO DIS IT AND BURN HIS HOUSE DOWN.

Whoever stole the gummies is prolly the same fuckface that stole my freekeh AND the glass pyrex container it came in. WHO DOES THAT!? You ate food you prolly can’t even pronounce and you stole a glass tupperware. family sized pack of gummies.... ANIMALS.

wow, who sank your Titanic

You know what other type of cockroach lives in America? A German cockroach.

People in most other cities don’t collectively whine to the same degree while also acting like total superior snobs about every other locale. You have to admit that it’s a combo that gets a little obnoxious.