
I mean, as ways to say “Fuck you, it’s none of your business” go
It isn’t bad

Dear Marco Rubio, Fuck you. (Back to the Olympics.)

Worth mentioning yes, being given 100% credit at the complete expense of the athlete is not ok or normally done.

It’s like when brilliant scientists die and their obits are just, “Beloved loyal wife and doting mother of two...” or some fucking bullshit.

If anything Mitch should be described as Corey’s husband, since the Bears don’t do anything worthwhile these days.

You did not note in this story that S/HE ALSO SHOT THE DOG!

Yeah, I remember Michael Phelps’ coach getting all the credit for his medals. Oh, wait...

That's not what's happening here.

Yeah, that was pretty bad. Unfortunately that was only a 4.3 on the 10-point scale of messed-up shit you will hear about female athletes at the olympics in 2016.

I overheard a male commentator during the men’s gymnastics podium training ask a female commentator if she “liked what she saw” in the most obvious, creepy way possible. She did a good job of pivoting it to a critique of his performance after a startled pause, but damn. Get it together Olympics commentators.

Everything else aside, doesn’t it seem like a terrible idea to be married to your coach at an Olympic level? How can a relationship handle that kind of external strain?

Maybe some guys watch Phelps because they pervy like that. ;)

Interesting. The lady brains at my house like watching the sports we don’t normally get to see. The girl brains are in to Tae Kwan Do because they take martial arts classes, they are into Archery because Merida/Brave, they find field events in Track and Field fascinating. One cares about gymnastics, the other doesn’t.

Eh, I sorta get what they’re saying - even though it’s hardly an issue of actual sports fans vs non sports fans demographics, nor is it valid justification for delaying the broadcast.

Oh, please. It’s not like men don’t buy in to this either. Football for example is very much about the journey. Ever watch the run up to the draft? Jesus, nothing but sob stories. Ever see the press coverage about a player who has come back from injury? The in depth details about shoulder surgery for a quarterback or

Except for men’s’ swimming. Yes, it is exciting to see who wins, but I would say 95% of the appeal is watching those boys come out of the water and adjust their suits.

Ugh, my woman brain isn’t interested in very many Olympic sports, but the ones it might watch (mostly swimming) will lose about 95% of their appeal if I already know who won. And I HATE that 85% of coverage has always been wading through life stories to get to the three seconds of edited action they deign to show.

No I haven’t had a drink in weeks but thanks for the concern.

So why should I stick to just two? You don’t really say why just that I should only have two while being socially awkward about it. If I need to drive or be somewhere early the next day then yes stick to one or two but if I have a ride/taxi/uber and everyone else is drinking and enjoying themselves why would I stick

Same here. My tolerance is pretty high. Drinks 1 and 2 only prime me for the mild buzz Drink 3 provides, and Drink 4 ends the night with a wonderful buzz-but-not-drunk feeling.