The Brock Turner situation is utterly appalling. I’m amazed it isn’t #1 here every day. The focus and anger has inexplicably faded. I simply can’t understand that.
The Brock Turner situation is utterly appalling. I’m amazed it isn’t #1 here every day. The focus and anger has inexplicably faded. I simply can’t understand that.
okey dokey
Ehhhhhhhhhhh I mean, the title is pretty bad, but calling someone with a foot deformity a “circus freakshow” is really harsh, IMHO. I had surgery a few years ago to fix a foot deformity that runs in my family and makes it difficult to walk, and my foot was definitely botched by nature, if by botched by nature you mean…
Hating the title, like RAGE hate, but its a solid idea. Maybe the fact that its on E! is turning me off a bit also. I would probably find it more appealing of it were on a network that didn’t also carry KUWTK.
(we don’t need to see them eating frozen yogurt together)
I liked their first album.
Def not down with the title “Botched by Nature”; people with congenital or other disorders are not fried eggs where the yolk broke. Jesus. They’re people, doing their thing like everyone does.
I’m... confused about what the angle is here. I think it’s totally understandable that she would feel a little knock to her self-esteem after finding out that an ex is gay, and I think wanting to score a hot rebound to feel sexually desirable again is within the bounds of normal behavior so... I guess I’m failing to…
I’m not going to defend the amount of rape/attempted rape in Outlander but it is always treated as a heinous crime and someone always at least tries to kill the rapist(s).
I get what Kim means about the physical keyboard, I do, but I always thought Blackberry keyboards were shit because the buttons were so small.
I hate that the AP article headline calls him a “family man.”
He has priors which include assaulting a person 65 and older? Now this? Someone needs to keep him the fuck away from those kids!
I wonder —why is the AP reporting him as a “family man” in their headline? Is that some ploy to make him more humanized, or to increase shock value of his irrationally violent if men who have families never have violent and deadly outbursts...?
His two sons were with him.
Seems to me they euthanized the wrong goddamn animal >:(
Does anyone else see that letter as an obvious troll?
Get rid of the fiance and buy a horse. They apparently care about bras just as much but they won’t annoy you with that talking thing that females tend to do.
He’s either cheating on her or he’s actually playing Pokémon Go until 5 a.m.
I hope she gets tested, just to make sure she didn’t catch any second-hand Pokemon.
How the fuck does a man in his 30's stay out all night until 5am? Does he not have a job or any responsibilities in life?