
I’m HPV negative. I also had cervical cancer cause by HPV.

There is no way for your doctor to actually figure out your HPV status.

Here’s the good news: other than 16 and 18, other HOV strains only very lead to cancer. They cause dysplasia, but it doesn’t progress.

They don’t test you for HPV because there is no test to see if you have HPV.

The vaccine is fairly pointless because they’ve had it.

Mr. BunniPrincess also loves it. I’m always wrapped a blanket!

My dog’s ideal temperature is 55 degrees.

To me, it’s not so much about protecting the dog as it is about what eating something with so close of a bond to humans does to the human. I feel the same way with gorillas and chimpanzees. Even if they weren’t endangered, they are just too close to humans to be food. I’m not saying eating pigs is wonderful, but

Except pigs don’t have the same connection to humans.

“No means no” doesn’t even makes sense for the groping cases. The whole point is that no one has time to object to a surprise groping. It’s clearly a reference to Gina-Lisa Lohfink.

I wouldn’t say only. I just think it’s ridiculous to compare dogs to other domesticated animals and pretend that they all are the same. I’d also kinda be pissed at people dining on critically endangered black rhinos.

Dogs are far more than domesticated. Even cats don’t have nearly the level of human bonding that dogs do. And there’s a difference between being wild and being feral.

Even a spider is lovable when it's anthropomorphized. 😄

One of my pet peeves is when people criticize others for their choice of charity work.

Except pigs haven't been bred for thousands of years to be companions to humans.

Yeah because none of those things exist in the UK...

Dogs are different than pigs. That's how it's different.

Dogs are different than other animals. They just are. They’ve been bred for thousands of years to be with humans.

as long as it keeps happening...

It’s funny....that’s how the conversation started. She used the word ‘tamale’ and I told her her that wasn’t really correct and she told me that she understands the frustration.