
This is effing horrible. What in gods name is this?


It’s the fucking old people who flock here during election time and can vote here that keep him in. The olds LOVE this piece of shit.


I've always loved this movie.

Yes 😭

I HATED Alyssa in the past.


I work in mental health care.

My kid is 2.5 and I've realized in the past two months I've begun dressing like a normal person again. And it's in large part because she is going to school 4.5 hours a day now. It is far more practical to wear workout clothing for small child care!

In their defense, caring for young kids require you be mobile and move all day and workout clothes allow this. If you know you will be taking kids to the park, loading them on cars, squatting to assist them, bending over all day, gym wear is far comfier to do this in.


Yes I’m sure she wears this daily.

Two weeks?

Stop working to spoil hypothetical grandkids you may never have and spend time with your family. It doesn’t matter if you are working for them, you have no relationship or bond with them. As adults, they may say “well dad worked hard for us” but you will ever have that relationship you want. Nor will they really

Oh dude the Bob is the best baby item we bought. Kid is 2.5 and I still run with her. Worth every cent

I couldn't agree more. A dog or two will reduce clean up after meals and snacks by a LOT.

So my mom does this thing where she asks to babysit. It’s usually twice a month for 3-4 hours at a time and it's at their request. They won’t accept money but we find ways to do nice things for them.

You don't have to pink wash your kid for them to like frilly pink stuff.

We live in Arizona. I feel the same