Yeah, because our biology hasn’t changed at all in the 10,000+ years since agriculture became a thing lol.
Yeah, because our biology hasn’t changed at all in the 10,000+ years since agriculture became a thing lol.
I’d love to know what prompted this article. Before the pandemic I was part of a group that went to a new restaurant monthly, so I knew a ton of foodies. Most of us wouldn’t have dreamed of going to a restaurant nicer than Chipotle without making a reservation.
I relate to this so much, my son is barely 2 years old and all i hear is “when are you going to have another?” Never, that’s when. I didn’t enjoy pregnancy and i refuse to purposely do it again.
This president has never worked a day in his life and never had to rise above a lower socioeconomic level. W Bush was born rich but even he knows the value of work as he worked an oil drilling rig. Trump is white and gets a hard pass for never having to work hard.
I have one kid, and every time I heard, “But you’re such a good mom, you should have more!” My answer was along the lines of “The reason I’m a good mom is that I know how much I can handle successfully.” That shut them up, left them feeling vaguely dissed and also like feeling dissed was their own fault. It was kind…
When you’re single: But when are you gonna find someone?
You would not believe how many people don’t give a single fuck about your pregnancy/labor PTSD and pressure you to have more kids.
I really hated that story and the authors masturbatory use of italics.
Not to mention the fact that Fiji is not India, or even part of India, or anywhere NEAR India, so the Indian family going to their “home country of the Fiji Islands” is just a really dumb detail to put in there.
Uhhhhhh, why would a 17 year old make a request about what she’s going to be buried in? That doesn’t really jibe.
Is that the one where the person had headphones on and they were studying and then when the parents came home, they saw all the writing on the wall? There’s a thousand variations of that story, I couldn’t believe how much people liked that one(if we’re talking about the same story)
This is my experience too, as a white-suburb-person. The women who are disgusted with Trump now saw him full well for who he was in 2016. The ones who voted for him didn’t care about that stuff because they were voting for fetuses, BlueLivesMatter, and tax cuts. They haven’t changed their minds on those issues in 18…
I’m pretty convinced this woman is a myth. All the suburban white women I know (myself included) are either women who’ve voted Democrat since the Obama years (or before) and have not changed on this front, or are all-out ride-or-die GOP-ers, which includes the Trump-or-Bust subset. White suburban women have had their…
Is this administration just going out of their way to check off every one of the “domestic abuser” cliches? “You made them get so angry they sent you bombs” is right up there with “its your fault I got so angry I hit you” defense.
Does anyone even like these videos? I come to this site to read, not watch videos. Some are even on autoplay, which is the WORST! I guarantee that no one in the history of the internet has ever had anything positive to say about autoplay. I wish jezebel would stop wasting money on these videos and have more articles…
It’s completely preposterous, but these are people with preposterous amounts of money. It’s like if a normal person could get Bill Murray to come to their wine/cheese/karaoke party for 50 bucks.
you know, i think that would be one way to tell that is isn’t just PMS. however, i am 48 with an IUD. I am experiencing pre-menopause and irregular to zero periods with the IUD. my PMS is all over the place these days - sometimes i get PMS multiple times during the month now. so maybe if you are young with normal…
I sat next to one on a cross-country flight recently...departed at 6:30am, so I was in total zombie mode and got seated next to some yoga / clean eating fanatic who had BEEN UP SINCE 3 AND WAS HYPERALERT and talking non-stop about her morning routine. She also pulled one of those giant bags of carrots - the like 5-lb…
the symptoms are such normal things during PMS that it would be hard to tell the difference. it’s terrifying.