Yes, I understand that Kylie didn’t have the commitment to Chyna, Tyga did. And she didn’t “steal” him. But I’m talking about the fact that Chyna’s life was turned upside down and her close friends not only had zero compassion for her, but are horrible to her. They like to kick people who are already down.
Hey, remember that the one person at the center of all this is a man who left his fiancée and the mother of his child for the 16-year-old little sister of said fiancée’s close friend. When he was 24.
That and her being uncomfortable gave her no reason to ice Chyna.
Looks legit to me. In fact, it reminds me of the time my brother was dating my former best friend who was also the mother of the child who’s father was my sister’s boyfriend.
Is Boo-Tea made from powdered ghosts?
Hi as a dude I think I know dudosity better than you ladies so I just wanted to let you know that dudes are better at duding than you can even imagine and our opinions will not be suppressed by matriarchal terroristic censorship, bro!
Shoulders? Hmmm I was too busy staring at those strong thighs :P
I totally just muttered ‘Stupid sexy lochte’ like ‘Stupid sexy flanders’
You know what isn’t awful? THEM SHOULDERS. Goddamn swimmers.
He honestly seems brain damaged to me, too much swimming causing lack of oxygen to his brain or something, that guy is unbelievably dumb.
I wish I could forget Ryan Lochte. He's just awful.
That video NEVER gets old. Who thinks ahhh, the sad side of my cheaply sided house which has an ugly utility cable clearly visible is the PERFECT place to shoot my music video!
That's very very sad. Good for her for bein honest about her struggles, and I hope she has found some peace with her looks.
Let’s leave Kim alone, or at least discuss the underlying issue rather than just gawking.
American Horror Story: Calabasas
It would have been better if when Kylie finally turned around her face was a decrepit ghost and she lunged at the camera and killed Rob.