Pretty Terry

Who looks at that guy and goes “ get a gun!”

I’d like to see them remake this movie with just Gal Gadot and Jason Momoa. And instead of superheroes, they are a suburban couple that becomes embroiled in an international espionage plot when they discover that their seemingly perfect new neighbors are government spies...

It actually looks like three punches. A left, then two solid rights.

The best part is that it’s a replay. So someone, several someones, missed it the first time.

If you can throw a ball 100mph you should be able to drive that fast.

I don't think this will work for Dwight like it worked for Ricky Jarrett.

God Shammgod

Cats are fine if you like having something in your house that you feed and take care of, while getting nothing but disdain and the occasional bout of gratitude. What I’m saying is cats are basically just teenagers. No one should have both.

I went and read the entire thread. This guy is a self-important, entitled dick. The funniest part is him thinking that it's just going to be $100 or so. Nope. You took someone's business vehicle out of service for X amount of days. They can certainly come after him for lost revenue, and I hope they do.

In Vegas, this can get you some money.

"gathered" = stole.

In the context of what Chris Rock is saying here Black=american Black. He's not speaking about Blacks throughout the diaspora. But everyone knows that. People are just being deliberately obtuse.

"Stop giving juice to the Raiders/Because Al Davis never paid us."

Well, he should, if they're truly in his top 5...or 11 or Top X.

Take a break from its blackness? I'm basking it.

Which explains why I baked an eighth of ground-up bud into a dozen blue Funfetti cupcakes that were then topped with 12 Skittles each and dubbed BeastCakes.

Part of me thinks this will be eerily similar to "Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins." Which is ok, because I really liked that movie.

So we're no longer calling it ping pong?

I sold pretzels. Among other things. In the hot sun.