Sam! The front of your pants.....fell off?
Sam! The front of your pants.....fell off?
Muse are freaking amazing in concert. I saw them at the local arena where I was ~3 rows from the rear wall, with ear plugs in, and it was one my top 3 concerts of all time (Daft Punk 4 lyfe). Their guitar playing is inspiring and the singer just wails, in the best way.
This is what I remember from Cub Foods back in our food stamp days. Buckets of generically labeled peanut butter.
100% did not recognize Paul Reiser.
Congrats! It’s crazy and amazing. Get all the sleep you can right now.
Yes I did! He goes from President Business to Lord Business through the course of the film, and I thought that calling him Lord Business alludes to 45's authoritarian tendencies /aspirations.
That’s Lord Business to you, missy.
Every day of my life, I find there is an appropriate call for a Tommy Boy reference. Thank you.
Someone on Twitter pointed out that means she won the Australian open while pregnant.
How do you know we don’t already have it? I bet the gop is just biding their time until they can get all of their hateful, oppressive agenda rammed through before SURPRISE SURPRISE they suddenly have all of this incriminating evidence with which to impeach Dolt45.
Word. With a healthy dash of high insteps. Half the time I tell salespeople I have high insteps they turn their head like a golden retriever and ask if I mean high arches? And I want to die again. I have chacos.... In a men’s size 7. All of my running shoes (all of them) are men’s sizes. I own two pairs of Sperry’s…
Fair enough
No but it could have been written by my husband because he has this same discussion with our daughter about 2x weekly.
Did you see that AP story about the 29-yo shopkeeper who lost his wife and 9mo twins in this latest attack? Just writing this makes me cry. There is a heart wrenching picture with the article and I can’t stop seeing it. Between that and the picture of Gerri Santoro I stumbled across, I want to know - where is the…
Now there’s a silver lining I’ve been clinging to - skeletons in the closet are no longer campaign-ending revelations! (Unless you actually murdered someone and even then the “moral majority” might find it in their hearts to elect you over some godless heathen).
Here is my take: it will be incumbent upon us to beat the drum as loud as we can for our future generations. I think young people today are disconnected enough from Holocaust survivors and Great Depression survivors to not fully understand the gravity and human toll that these disasters wrought. I’m 34, and I still…