
"The Four Horshacks of the Apocalypse".

See also Allen, Bartholomew Henry.

When we saw that play out in the theater, my brother and I turned to each other and grinned like idiots. After decades of shows and movies that couldn't get comic characters right, Raimi came along and fucking nailed it.

Wonder Woman in the 50's and 60's was actually one of the most sexist and anti-feminist books on the stands. The central conflict was that she wanted to marry Steve Trevor, but then she would have to give up being Wonder Woman to keep his house and have his babies and, sadly, the world still needed Wonder Woman.

That would certainly satisfy any need to "preserve history".

Please, Nonexistent Jesus, have one renamed after Obama so we can watch all the bigots' heads explode like they were LARPing Scanners.

If the alt-Right hadn't protested and murdered over the weekend, most of these tributes to bigotry would have remained up.

That means "I Love You"!

When George and Weezie moved on up, Whitey moved on up even higher.

I have to imagine it was locked away in an ornate box filled with many other treasures, awaiting the day it would be needed.

|shit, piss, fuck, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits, and cunt

He also regrets falling for, "just the tip".

As he waited there for hours, he must have thought the rest of the band had given him the hi-hat.

This mishap really disrupted the rhythm of the tour.

Not over the sounds of lobster shells cracking and seniors complaining about the wait staff.

You don't get a bazooka named after you for being a choir boy.

Fake news! King Donald doesn't read Penthouse Forum! He just looks at the pictures!

Man, I fucking hate when I help out a member of my extended family, and the first person they thank is Jesus.

Perhaps my favorite Looney Toons gag of all time is the box of duck decoys in
Along Came Daffy.

Look, if we starting judging others simply by what they say and do…. I forgot where I was going with this.