
I'm sure they could turn King Rat into something badass.

Aw, man. Steve James.

The Supernatural fan site is that way.

Split the diff: Lee Marvin's Dangling Cigarette.

According to studio accounting, no movie has ever turned a profit ever.

I ain't sayin' they're right, son.

Adam fuckin' Sandler is on that list, and these are the two you are calling out?

When men are the largest audience for movies, the sexism is justified because "guys wanna see guy movies".

His ma, and three of his four brothers.

We'll complain that the Trump articles are not about pop culture, then we'll complain about too many pop culture articles!

| Luke wastes no time in having some table-shaking sex with Claire Temple

Peckinpah's The Killer Elite, in space.

But that's what you said about The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Planet Earth, 60 Minutes, Last Man Standing, and The PTL Club.

Archie is to Riverdale as Iron Fist is to the Defenders.

"When I called for mob action, I didn't mean against meeeeeeeee~"

That's all any of us have got to give.

It's remarkable how this donation comes so close on the heels of that kerfluffle over the "instructional video", isn't it?

*sigh* I'll do it.

Eh, this is just the Right trying to tamp down all the overt racism so they can go back to promoting covertly racist policies.

12 Years A Slave Owner