
You know, Londoners call that building "the gherkin". But to me, it will always be "the anal plug".

LIghtsabers aside, now I want a genderswapped version of Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser starring Christie and Williams.

Not according to Nazis and their sympathizers, no.

I am vehemently for gun control, but these cockchafers have me considering applying for a permit.

I stopped watching GoT years ago*, but I am glad to learn that the header image depicts Brienne and Arya sparring and not actually trying to kill each other, because I like both those broads.
If I wanted to watch the bad guys always win and the good guys die horribly, I'd turn on the nightly news. I like


I had thought that was due to their being far more people driving than flying, thus racking up many more hours traveled for that method.

Pffft. Jackie Chan uses those three times a week.

In my birth year, new words included "pants", "barley", and "goat".

If you go by miles traveled, which the airlines totes do. A plane can cover 500 miles in an hour. It takes a car ten hours to cover the same distance. The more time spent traveling, the more opportunity for mishap.

I have chosen my Native American name, and it is "Hen Teaser".

I am an Oliver-Hardy-looking motherfucker, but I have the common decency to keep my shirt on in public.

Well, in this case one side is an ideology implicitly built on genocide, and the other side is America.

Statistically speaking, the only method of transportation more dangerous than air travel is via motorcycle. That takes some doing.

I do not remember my godfather, as he died in a motorcycle accident when I was three. He was a Vietnam-era draftee and managed to make it safely through the war (he was stationed in Germany as an MP) and died just weeks after coming home.

Ignoring Nazis has been proven not to work out well for anyone but the Nazis.

That's a panel from the Preacher comic book, and it justifies the existence of the entire series.

Fun Fact: The original ending of the series was just a supercut of Tennant screaming that name over and over.

Seven of them are from Manimal.

Why does Australia, the largest island, simply not eat New Zealand?