
I can't tell if his pitiful attempts to charm us with snark remind me more of Lame Dad Chillin' With the Kids, or Soviet Spy Infiltrating A Dorm Party.

I really, really, really wish they held Kilgrave back for the back half of the series. Jessica could have racked up a few victories by handling non-Purple cases and/or menaces controlled by Kilgrave behind the scenes, and we would have been spared the awful redundancy of the series we got.

I liked that they had three mini-arcs instead of dragging out one long one. I thought the Punisher stuff was solid (and I hate the Punisher) and I'm always a sucker for a magic ninja. The series tripped a little towards the end, but on the whole I liked it a lot better than most folks seem to.

Fuck. I've watched endured everything but the last two.

Last time we fought Nazis, it was because we had a president who was willing and able to stand up to them*. This time out, we have a president who identifies with them. I'm not very sanguine about our future.
*No polio jokes, please.

Wouldn't they just turn around and start beating the employees out of habit?

Green Room is a (great, intense) film. And that song is a cover, by the way.

If he were Muslim, he would be dead, his family would be in custody, and his mosque would be on fire.

For the same reason you could never choose cable channels ala carte.

Criterion is doing their own streaming service, FilmStruck.

We're not going to win over Nazis. Because they're goddamn Nazis.

"Expeditus" sounds like a character on Up Pompeii.
And the Avocado Award for Most Obscure Pop Culture Reference of the Week goes to….

| The movie is a lot like having a fan of the graphic novel describe it to you

Can confirm: Benchley's original novel sucked hard.

Yeah, but if it were really Fulci's ghost, the story would have featured maggots.

Whenever Cyborg's dick is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Cyborg's dick"?

He may have been jackin' it at different studios in reality, but in his heart, it was always at Disney.

"This is God speaking. Cut that out."

I'm no expert*, but that clip looks lit and framed professionally and features multiple edits and camera angles. No way it's porn.
*I'm totally an expert.

Or the Passion of the Christ.