

It's the Kinjapocalypse, and all votes are but dust in the wind.

The Munsters were an all-American immigrant family, hard-working and honest and kind, and the joke was that everyone around them freaked the fuck out solely because of assumptions based on their appearance.

Call them what they are - reeducation camps.

I'm pretty sure Pence is already President in everything but name.

That would look great on his tombstone. Is it too late to dig him up and rebury him?

Apparently, it's yet another great feature of iPhones.

They all went Trump in 2016, so it's their own fault.

We have legit, no-bullshit neo-Nazis in the Trump administration and you're still pulling the ol' "National SOCIALIST" con? Learn a new trick, cockmangler.

I still can't believe the assholes who voted for this guy.

Jim Henson's Klan Babies

My first thought was, good for these gals!

One of my favorite things about being a creepy loner…. I forgot where I was going with this.

I wish we had been in middle school together, because it sounds like you would have drawn a lot of heat off me.

I signed up and started hanging out here because the comments were awesome. Seriously. There's no other site that makes me laugh out loud as much, or provides as much interesting/useless info, or that I want to visit as often.

Hey, it's your own fault for having opinions and stuff.

How would he know if hasn't been able to find it?

So you don't want us coming back to this site?

Wait until they start filming movies with the mouthbreathers who watch everything on their phones in mind.

That's what you said about trepanning.