
*blocks others from seeing Bubbles Wrap's reply*

I guess I don't know enough about 90's Ska to come up with any bands that were labeled "Ska" but didn't even have a goddamn horn section. (That's the whole point of Ska - to give school band kids a chance to dream of pop stardom!)

It's a species of kinkajou trained in the ancient art of assassination.

And trolls can apparently block replies to them as well. Wheeeeeeeeee!

Dear fucking God, no. No. No. No. No.

That's……. really goddamn stupid.

And that friend is Whovian.
Yet another running gag that will be lost in the Kinjapocalypse.

When I read the headline, I thought that Deer Woman had finally snapped and publicly eviscerated a mortal being.

That's also how Taylor Swift evades predators.

Nah, he was a "bad guy" cause he was a bullying, abusive choad. But broken clocks and all that.

I think that's a good argument to roll with broader definitions of musical genres. Especially since no two people can seem to agree on the definition of the "pure" genres.

And "punk" can be a lot more than just Black Flag and the Ramones. Smaller sub-genres can exist within a larger context .

Another clue is the lack of acknowledgement for anything that happened before 1993. Small label punk compilations weren't invented in the 90's; they go back as far as Stiff Records. A couple of my favorites from back in the day were It Came From the Garage II and the similarly-named Chicago artist comp, It Came From

It's those same mouthbreathers who only watch movies on their phones.

But those bands aren't rock, either. If you want actual rock and roll, you have to go back to the 50s. Elvis, Chuck Berry, Bill Haley, Little Richard, etc.
See how stupid that sounds?

I stopped going to live shows after seeing a pit at a Cocteau Twins gig.

We never saw Jessica succeed at anything. Everyone she promised to protect or help ended up dead. (Except for Patsy, and she had to save her own ass.) Jessica killing Killgrave wasn't framed as a victory, especially since she spent so many episodes trying her best to avoid killing him. And the less said about that

I loved Ewing's "storefront Avengers" book. Too bad it got killed off just as it was really getting started - Thanks, suck-ass events I don't even follow!

| Instead, he's a damaged kid who hasn't grown up or figured out who he is or who he really wants to be

Chirrut Îmwe was a better version of Iron Fist than what we got.