
I just finished Iron Fist, and I have no earthly idea why Luke would want to hang out with this version of Danny.

Around the same time all the Avengers wore brown leather jackets. Even Cap.

To be fair, some of them spoke to Byrne's personal interest in women being mind-controlled into evil, and others spoke to Byrne's personal interest in helpless women held up by their necks.

DC finally released a good move and just like that, Manimal ceased to exist.

Admitting that kinda lets the air out of "the Free Market will solve everything!"

That sounds a lot like the mechanism on my sliding closet door. You know, the one that's always jumping out of the track.

President Wiseau would be several steps up.

Ever notice how those "warnings" about four-hour erections are spoken clearly, slowly, and separately from the other potential side effects?


I can easily see him picking up the phrase from Jane Foster before she died on the way back to her home planet.

I love SCTV heart and soul, but the "Rochester" joke in their Jane Eyre spoof made me cringe as a teen and still makes me wince today.

He's just pissed this article proves that Chicago was the original New Jack City

Defining a "great city" solely on its strength to draws tourists means that ANAHEIM AND TIJUANA ARE THE GREATEST CITIES IN THE WORLD!

tl;dr - "Yo, Chicago - how come you're not kissing my ass?"

I spent a lot of my childhood on the southeast side, where such houses are common. They've always fascinated me, and they are still what I envision when I think of Chicago homes.

Cons have to tell themselves this, every day of their lives. They have to justify all the shitty, unAmerican, unpatriotic, and outright criminal policies and politicians they support somehow. Swallowing this lie is the only thing that lets them sleep at night.

We're not fucked because of Trump. We're fucked because of the people that support him.

But the best stuff was left on the cutting room floor.

It's just you.

Everyone I meet assumes I'm fifteen years younger than I actually am, but that's mostly cuz they didn't think virgins got this old.