
Or if it was decorated with pictures of Ariel and Sebastian. Or came with its own pump.

much older in dog-whistle years

"Why, he doesn't seem angry at all!" - confused MTV viewers

More importantly, he was co-founder of Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band!

Seventh Dream of Teenage Maggie

Maggie and I have gotten old together and my attraction to her has only increased over the decades.

I knew I shoulda gone with, "Boll Weevil".

You laugh, but until the GOP enacted the Southern Strategy, we used to call those "Dixiecrats".

That's my favorite Ringo song!

I used to be upset about that, until I learned the debates would just be a platform for Stein to spew anti-science, pro-Russia bullshit.

Wait until you see the mascot.


It's a shallow pit. Two, three puppies deep, tops.

Fuckin' A.

And my dolly cart!

Yeah, but will it actually be the Scientology Savior, or "J. Bob Drummond"?

Over/under on Strange Angel featuring L. Ron Hubbard running off with most of Parson's money and all of his wife?

| I've never seen a giallo that was as good as a giallo title.

They are.

I've a book called The Corpse Walker which contains an anecdotal explanation for how the belief in hopping vampires came about. Basically, it was really important in Chinese culture to be buried in your home town, so your family and descendants can look after your spirit. The most common way to transport the dead