
For what it's worth, I have never looked in the mirror and thought, "This is acceptable".

Only Chinese vampires hop. What ya got there is just a list of transliterations.
I acquired a copy of Sifu vs. Vampire over the weekend. There's no fucking way it's going to be any good. (With a Wong Jing script? Come on!). But it's jiangshi and Yuen Biao, so I feel obligated.

Bob Kurosawa and Ellen Shakespeare, two film school drop-outs who keep peddling their scripts every time I use that car wash.

There's a hundred reasons to never watch Highlander: Endgame, and this is but one of them.

You could strangle his children and not wound Christie as deeply.

As a life-long resident of Chicago… I'm buying.

There's a real heavy guy who works in this building that does the under-belly pants placement. When he wears polos, as he does often, a little flesh skirt peeks out from under his shirt and undulates as he moves.

The Mission, Expect the Unexpected, and PTU are all amazing. But I'm probably the only one here who will show some love for Where A Good Man Goes, so I'm gonna show some love for Where A Good Man Goes.

Be warned that he alternates between moody crime dramas and crowd-pleasing blockbuster romcoms, mostly to help finance said crime dramas.

The fire marshal was an Obama appointee, SO FUCK THAT GUY!

tl,dr: Trump sucks and we're doomed.

I grew the beard so I'd look less like Oliver Hardy.

It's the Fat Man's Dilemma.

Wooly Mammoth is amazing. The day after I visited, my co-workers decided to form a lottery pool. I told them, "I just want you to know that if we win, I'm buying a stuffed baboon."

I've been thinking for a while now that the Mueller investigation is intended to remove Trump's inner circle of outsiders so they can be replaced by establishment GOP figures. I also suspect the previous week's shenanigans was Trump pushing back against this, but as always the Prince of Orange fucked up.

The outrage is sourced from 50% MRA-holes who've never seen an episode, 15% OldWho fans who hate everything about the new series, and 35% OldWho fans who hate everything about the new series but still watch it faithfully every week.

Hey, man - how do you expect us to properly nerdrage if you keep bringing facts and logic into it?

And David's son Duncan would have been jealous if he used the competition.

As soon as I noticed the Oxford comma was missing, I felt the beginnings of a shame spiral that threatens to consume my weekend.

I've had a few glorious sessions of CoD like that. Nothing better than watching an enemy lob grenades at the position you used to be at before head-shotting them from behind.