
My collections of angry messages from CoD players furious that I "won't play the game right" (i.e., charge straight at them like a Spartan on PCP) is one of my treasured possessions.

| Passengers, poop and luggage have the same value to United.

The other tiny shouty man was on an episode of I Was There, Too and revealed that he and Pollack based their characters on Moebius, who did some concept art for the film.

Literally all I remember about the film are those stupid, French-accented fairies screaming about the baby.


Don't blame me, I voted for Quake.
God-DAMN, I'm old.

That's why they call it "dope".


In space, no one can hear the rimshot.

If this review was intended to put me off seeing this film, it has absolutely failed.

More like, "Sara Haaaayyyyyyy, girl!"

Any "rolling over" is being done by the GOP.

To be fair, Obama did ask for Dijon mustard on a hamburger.

Mariah Carey in The Day the Clown Cried 2: My Favorite Color is Glitter

Tom Cruise insisted on the mustache, because he felt the audience wouldn't be able to tell the two actors apart without it.

I got kicked out of the Cub Scouts for eating a Brownie!

Hey - if it's sparing us more "charming" anecdotes about his daughter-wife, it's a small price to pay..

That would be Vartox, baby! He's a hyper-man with hyper-powers - and he's totally in-continuity!

Van Helsing is my regular Friday night hook-up when neither of us can do any better and we both refuse to acknowledge the other at work on Monday.