
He's a carpenter, not a chef.

I remember when we explained to an teenage cousin what her grandma's generation used to call Brazil nuts. The way her eyes bugged out was so adorable.

Just be sure you don't get faux pho.

WILL SMITH: Dah-yummmm!

No no no no - the internet assures me that it's a work of satirical genius!

EXCELSIOR, goddammit, it's EXCELSIOR!

Come on, man - it's an Amazon mafia show! Giant warrior women pulling heists and shit! I'm all-in for that!

Never played it.

There's a CoD map set in an abandoned mine, and it got me hankerin' for a full-fledged wild west version of the game. Six-shooters, lever-action rifles, coach guns, dynamite bundles, Gatling guns… *swoon*.

Along that same route is the Gold Pyramid in Wadsworth, a six-story structure plated in gold and surrounded by a moat. It was built during the height of "pyramid power" belief in the 70's.

Yeah, The Coming Race by Edward Bulwer-Lytton was hugely influential. It even inspired Bovril.


Flat earth? The gummint is hiding the truth about the flat earth so we don't find out about the aliens on the other side of the Ice Wall.

Hey, now - leave the Bible out of this!

Our economy has always depended on that underclass. Indentured servants, slaves, sharecroppers, migrant workers, chain gangs, illegal immigrants; the names and details have changed, but the basic system remains intact.

Keith Raniere has beat you to it.

I forget which comedian said, "The most successful deterrent against sex with teenage girls is that you have to spend time around teenage girls."

Normalizing Space Nazis was the first step to President Trump.

It just dragged on forever, and you can tell they changed the ending at the last minute to justify the sequel.

I know it's just a typo, but now I want to see To Stir With Love. Can a tough but fair chef make a difference in the lives of inner-city culinary students?