
If you get this mad at an old quote by a stand-up comedian, then you must be FURIOUS at Trump's blatant contradiction of his campaign promises, his pro-corporate and alt-right cabinet selections, his infantile conduct on Twitter in which he provokes hostility from foreign nations, his insistence that no one from the

He's apparently just kind of shy and reserved in regular life, not at all like his comedy persona. It always sounded to me like he was just a normal person, though I get how that could come off as odd to stereotypically-needy comic and showbiz types.

I've been a huge fan of the podcast for years, but I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I kind of fell off with the TV show after Reggie left. The first two seasons and the first half of s3 are SO consistently great, but when it took that downturn in the back-half of 3 (apparently due to IFC's weird scheduling more than

Basically, because I'm more interested in actual discussion than a bunch of assholes sniping at each other.

First, I'll join the chorus of support for Cameron returning after all the ugliness it provoked in the denizens of the Internet's hateful underbelly. I respect her willingness to continue putting herself out there despite it all, even if I'm not personally her biggest fan.

It's odd that her tablet's signal showed up in the middle of nowhere if she died in that abandoned theater, unless Ford (or even Bernard) planted it as a ploy to draw out the security chief and silence his implied suspicions over Bernard's true nature.

Yep, sounds like a Nolan script alright.

Agreed. Being able to give a self-satisfied nod at correctly predicting the plot is no replacement for a true HOLY SHIT moment in my book.

It's kind of funny how there's so much good TV out there now that people are starting to consider bailing on a promising and ambitious series like this after THREE EPISODES. What, any show that doesn't flesh out its whole mythology and give away its ultimate vision within one-fourth of one season just isn't worth the

Eh, it's fun to fuck with people who deserve it every once in a while. Puncturing their bubble of superiority and "justified" hatred is a good way to bring out their inner thoughts…which it turns out was just more hate in this case.

I'm not painting everyone from the NE with any brush…it's where that specific guy was from. I couldn't remember the specific state, and he's now suspended so I couldn't verify.

It definitely crossed my mind afterward that I was just fucking with someone who, for all I know, could be very dangerous. After checking his profile and finding that he was having at least 10 similar exchanges with other people (about how Lincoln wanted to "ship n*****s to Africa" and other predictable topics) I

He could probably find it if he wanted to drive down from Maryland or whatever the hell NE state he was from, if he really wanted to….not really worried about that. I admittedly did remove my general location from my profile right after though. O.o

Had a chat with one of those alt-right white supremacist types in the replies on an unrelated Simon tweet the other night. Basically it amounted to me mocking him as the type of person who supports Trump, him making Holocaust references about my Jewish-sounding last name, me egging him on to keep going, him obliging

Everyone who plays the piano should learn "Laura Palmer's Theme." It's so simple, yet I get more compliments for it than any of the more difficult pieces I can play. Very emotional, very haunting.

It kind of makes you wonder about whether it's possible to separate the art from the artist, doesn't it? I'd love to see this discused, don't think I've seen anything like that on here before; especially not in the comments for every single article about Allen posted in the last few years.

Naz probably would have really killed that guy if Freddie's associate hadn't pulled him off. A sign of some hidden darkness, or was he just using that guy as a stand-in for all the nightmarish shit he's had endure from fellow prisoners in Rikers? A little of both?

Well, it's been in every episode and is a defining aspect of Stone as a character, so obviously Price and Zaillian think it's necessary. Are you suggesting they're just Tarantino-style foot fetishists?

Saying he was free to talk while draining the guy's eye wasn't enough?

Okay, fair enough; if you're not into that sort of character development, then it would always seem unnecessary. If it truly never becomes more important to the larger story (even if only as connected to Stone's mobility or the side effects of his prescriptions affecting his ability to do his job) by the end of the