
I’m going with Whit Stillman.

It’s this new strategy that he’s calling the “Get a good script and director” method. He’s so happy with the results that, for Halloween, he’s stapling the script to his shirt, and going trick-or-treating with Noah Baumbach as “Get a Good Script and Director Man.”

I would love more Twin Peaks, if only for it to having nothing to do with anything we see in Part 18 and then end in another cliffhanger. Maybe people will finally get it if he does it a fourth time.

Just looking at the scene for what’s there, it’s not pointless at all. That was the face of the man who raped her, if not the man himself, so it doesn’t surprise me that she covered it with her hands. It was an extremely vulnerable, uncomfortable scene, as it should have been and illuminated Diane’s psychology

Maybe it’s Baby’s First Critical Analysis to suggest that Twin Peaks: The Return is an extended meditation on both itself and the original run of episodes, but that’s the most coherent interpretation I have so far. I guess the only insight less piercing than that would be “Dale Cooper symbolically represents the

I liked him as a villain you love to hate. Or at least a schemer who is entertaining in the way he skeeves everyone out. Happy for his downfall, but I really liked the performance, odd accent and all.

I thought about that Mad Men episode where they set up a new company with Lane’s help, and avoid being gobbled up by the Brits. It was a very exciting episode, in large part because the rest of the show moved so slowly. Dale’s return was definitely a fist-pump “hell yeah” moment.

Next week is a two part? I have a four day weekend so guess what I’m doing! Who would shampoo a carpet when they can watch an 18 hour movie?

seriously, what the fuck is going on with Jerry?

I rewatched the premiere a few nights ago and it was almost better than I remembered. I think the season may even be better the second time around.

When Audrey walked into the Roadhouse, I yelled at my TV “Eat that, Internet! It’s not a coma!”

I was more thinking the child would have Dany’s dragon genes and Jon’s muscly arm(s)...

Oh man, when Mounstainstein flinched after Cersei’s nod, I gasped.

It was definitely the best episode of the season. (Almost) None of the magical teleporting or pacing issues, and loads of character development. Couple of genuinely shocking moments as well. I really thought Jaime was going to get Mountain-ed.

Jaime finally nutting up and ditching cersei was a highlight of the episode