
Just out of curiosity, what do you think would be the best way to represent it? Would you prefer it never come up at all, maybe just a shot of him scratching it every once in a while?

"We all" know what it represents, but "we" are sick of seeing it.

You know he represents more than just prostitutes, right?

Look, I don't like looking at eczema feet anymore than the reviewer, but isn't it perhaps telling that THIS is the main focus of Stone's life right now? He's a lonely man, divorced and only sporadically able to see his son, and he makes his living representing the lowest sorts of clientele. He has nothing more to do

I'm thoroughly confused by the cast that's been announced so far. Is this really a remake and they just haven't revealed the kids yet? Or are The Rock and Kevin Hart going to be the leads and have wacky reactions to the flying monkeys and carnivorous plants and whatnot?

What would you like me to respond to? One of your insults? I pointed out that you were doing something that you claimed NOONE was doing, and you've been deflecting or straight-up denying ever since.

Still waiting for a response to anything I've said so far…

"She's a gay woman. AV club commenters have a big problem with that while finding ways to act like they don't have a big problem with it."

You don't. Fucking. Get it.

I'm talking about the credibility of people who claim to want to help with that problem. Please acknowledge that part of it or we're truly done here.

Okay, then you didn't understand what I was saying. My point was that righteous anger can be good up to a point when directed at people who actually deserve it, but when you start lumping in people who DON'T deserve it (an entire site's commentariat, for instance, as if all of them even post on every article in the

If I'm off the mark, then please clarify what you were really saying in that last post before i started trying to end this (in vain, it turns out).

I responded (largely agreed, in fact) and then made some points of my own, which you replied to by basically saying "I don't care" and then again questioning my character. I don't generally look for those sorts of qualities in a conversation partner, which is why I decided to wash my hands of the whole thing.

Yes, at this point. You're clearly less interested in having an actual conversation than having something to be indignant/snarky about, so I'm correcting my mistake of thinking you were genuine and engaging you in the first place. I don't generally enter prolonged exchanges about things I DON'T give a shit about,

We agree on that. The characterizing of all AV Club commenters as belonging in that club is what I took umbrage with. But we got into all that in our separate exchange, so I'll leave it at that.

It was a genuine reply based on this whole exchange. Take it how you will, I don't really give a shit at this point!


If you don't care about taking advice, then all I can offer is a fair warning. Nothing personal.

Alrighty then, carry on I guess. Just don't expect too many people to take you seriously.

I already agreed that there's plenty wrong with a lot of the comments, and I would never claim that the intensity of some people's reactions to her is anything but troubling.