
You're able to accurately distinguish who is and isn't a homophobe based on a single negative comment? Those are some impressive powers of deductive reasoning you've got there.

Sure, there's plenty of it here and everywhere else I've seen talk of her. It's your painting of everyone who isn't a fan of her comedy with that same brush that I take issue with.

So you would agree that any AV Clubber who comments that they don't like her is a homophobe?

While other AV Club commenters seem to take it upon themselves to reply to every post that expresses a different opinion than theirs and start an argument, and then justify it by claiming that they're all homophobes so they deserve it.

I love getting slammed about my sex life by someone who chose the username Gentle Herpes. Ah, the Internet.

I LOVED the original MADtv when I was in middle school and they were rerun constantly on Comedy Central.

Holy shit, he dropped his papers and then scratched his ear! Great Job, Internet!

Ouch, yeah Expelled is pretty much the worst of that type of "documentary," don't blame you at all.

And to be fair, there were only a few outright assholes among that group; most of those ticket holders were nice, polite middle-aged people.

The hardest days of my two-year stint as an usher at a movie theater was trying not to outwardly judge every single person who handed me a ticket for films like America and Monumental.

Had to scroll through the entire comments section to find this, but it was worth it.

Why are you asking me to rationalize irrational behavior? Whether you think he was panicked or just stupid, he clearly wanted to get far away from there as quickly as possible.

He didn't go back in for the fun of it…he left his keys and jacket. He couldn't leave his dad's cab at the scene on top of everything else.

I'm guessing she will become the biggest focus of the investigation going forward, and that learning more about her will reveal the killer's identity. There's obviously much more to her, but if they had filled in her backstory it would have totally taken the wind out of the plot's sails. She seemed spooked when

The LONG section from Naz's initial pickup for reckless driving to the reveal of the knife in the station was almost unbearably stressful. I obviously knew where it was going, so the fact that they managed to wring so much tension out of the build-up is pretty impressive alone.

k bye

First cousins getting it on? Maybe they really are royalty after all.

That smile was a great touch. She speaks and carries herself as befitting of her title, but that smile gives us a glimpse of the child she still is at her core. I'm a sucker for clever flourishes of characterization like that.

The comments on this episode (not to mention the community grade) suggest that this may be the biggest disconnect between viewer and AVC reviewer since Nathan Rabin's infamous 30 Rock reviews. Personally I'm hoping for a similar end result to that saga, and they switch in someone better. Nowalk's conception of what

They could also start hiring interesting writers and showrunners, and stop shooting all their shows like high-budget borderline soap operas. Their idea of making "solid" TV couldn't be more boring in this day and age, even if a show like Hannibal can still slip through every once in a while.