I would have to give Sullivan's Travels the edge because Veronica Lake.
I would have to give Sullivan's Travels the edge because Veronica Lake.
In a perfect world, we could.
Glazer Accuracy.
See Antichrist, but just for the [SPOILER]blood-ejaculation part[/SPOILER].
I see this image whenever anyone in my life succeeds in anyway.
Honest question: where do you guys go to Cut Your Hair?
I would mostly agree with that statement, with one amendment: "…you don't find [unfunny/unfair] jokes about not liking her funny."
It really is some of the most needlessly mean-spirited writing I've seen on this site.
I'm rather ashamed to say that around 90% of my musical discoveries come from movies and TV. For example, I never heard Arcade Fire until that fantastic Where the Wild Are trailer, and never even heard of TV On the Radio until that one episode of Breaking Bad.
Agreed. Loveless is probably the album that I had to listen to most before finally accepting its brilliance. I'm talking months here.
To be fair/defensive, I've watched it all before through a mixture of Youtube and Netflix. I was just finally willing to drop some money on my Mr. Show experience, which is the part I feel is laudable/worthy of endless rapturous praise.
I just bought the series box set yesterday!
*Foghorn Leghorn*
Reading these comments is a great way to kill time at my job. Sitting on a bridge all day in the middle of space isn't the most exciting job in the world, but it's pretty easy considering all I have to do is tighten this one bolt.
I loved that exchange as well, and definitely agree that there is (perhaps unconsciously) some bias against the female characters on the show.
Please Tom, make up with Paul F. Tompkins. We'll all love you for it.
Maybe it's just me, but for me, the Nancy Cooper episode of CBB was WAY better than the latest one. The Choctaw/Kroll/Peretti lineup seemed bulletproof, but Kroll and Peretti were so caught up in their own riffing that Scott never really found a way to join in on the fun or guide the show.
Please, no talking during the theme song. http://www.youtube.com/watc…
Yeah, that's probably a better way of putting it. Good call!
Oh, Daffy Dick; you're the worst AND the worst!